Vintage Bike Tour, Bristol, England (UK), 2013


2013 was a slightly busier year than 2012 for "photography," if cameraphone shots count. In reality I did very little real photography, instead saving some of the cameraphone shots that might be interesting to some people. Most of these are travel snaps. I plan, if possible, to do a lot more serious work in 2014, if time allows.

Vintage Bike Tour, Bristol, England (UK), 2013

02 Jan 2013 1 118
I began 2013 with a visit to Wales, as I have for several years, but on this trip I once again had a side trip to Bristol. This was for a vintage bike tour of the city. I know next to nothing about this bike, but it ran very well for something that would be considered primitive today, with for example only one gear.

1888 Pump House, Bristol, England (UK), 2013

02 Jan 2013 151
This was one of the attractions that I liked the most, even if we couldn't go inside. It's a steam-powered pumphouse for the "sluice system" that Isambard Kingdom Brunel developed in 1832 to keep the Bristol Channel and other waterways free of silt. Supposedly, this pump house is occassionally opened to visitors, but not on the day we were there. One mistaken belief about it that gets passed around, though, is that Brunel designed it. That smokestack looks very much like something he would design, but in 1888 he had already been dead 29 years. Even this pumphouse was preceded by another one (now a pub) that only dated back to 1870, so Brunel must have had another means of powering his system. There's more information here:,_Bristol_Harbour,_Bristol The tall ship in the foreground is a replica of the "Matthew," which was supposedly the first British ship to reach North America in 1497. It was under repair here because the pump house is right in the middle of the Underfall shipyard.

1888 Pump House, Picture 2, Bristol, England (UK),…

02 Jan 2013 121
Here's another view of the smokestack.

Clifton Suspension Bridge, Bristol, England (UK),…

02 Jan 2013 108
Getting back to genuine Brunel artifacts, here's the Clifton Suspension Bridge again. The weather on this particular day was rainy and gloomy, but I chose to attempt this cameraphone shot anyway.

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, 2013

07 Jan 2013 96
I first saw this beer in 1993, if I'm not mistaken, but I wasn't expecting to see it in Britain. American beers are generally rare in Europe, although in Britain they're maybe seen more than elsewhere in the EU. This is a craft beer, though, so it would be rare anywhere, nevermind in Britain. It does seem weird to sell an American pale ale in Britain, though, as pale ale is one of Britain's specialties, not America's.

Double Dragon Ale, 2013

08 Jan 2013 122
This is a more traditional ale, made by a small brewer.

Marston Pale Ale, 2013

09 Jan 2013 121
Marston is a reasonably common, genuine British, pale ale.

Spitfire Ale, 2013

10 Jan 2013 129
Spitfire doesn't date to World War II, but at this point it is at least established. I am getting sick of the "Keep Calm" ripoffs, though, aren't you? That certainly wasn't on the bottle when the Shepard's Neame started producing Spitfire in 1990. The company itself is older than most (surviving, continuously-run) breweries in the world, dating to 1698.

Goleulong 2000 Light Ship, Cardiff Bay, Glamorgan,…

10 Jan 2013 143
This light ship, while it looks ready to go, is actually retired. It's a restaurant now, if I'm not mistaken, but it was closed when we visited it.

BS Social Care, Cardiff, Glamorgan, Wales (UK), 20…

15 Jan 2013 126
Is this living satire, or just really bad public relations? :-D

Ducks in Stromovka, Prague, CZ, 2013

03 Feb 2013 121
One of Prague's many parks is Stromovka, where you can find ducks even in the wintertime.

New Hate Rising at Cafe na pul Cesty, Pankrac, Pra…

12 Apr 2013 122
This band were called "New Hate Rising," but they were actually anti-fascist, or at least had all the usual GNWP stickers and so on.

Cyklojizda near Praha Hlavni Nadrazi, Zizkov, Prag…

20 Apr 2013 171
This was during a Cyklojizda bike ride, just as the group were waiting on Italska, next to Hlavni Nadrazi, for the police to clear the street ahead, which was Seifertova.

Nakladove Nadrazi Zizkov, Zizkov, Prague, CZ, 2013

20 Apr 2013 149
The Cyklojizda ride ended with an afterparty in, of all places, Nakladove Nadrazi Zizkov, one of the largest rail freight stations in Prague (Uhrineves is another big one). This was my first inside look at it, as it's normally closed to the public.

Nakladove Nadrazi Zizkov, Picture 2, Zizkov, Pragu…

20 Apr 2013 186
Like most modern freight stations, Zizkov handle most of their merchandise traffic in containers.

Nakladove Nadrazi Zizkov, Picture 3, Zizkov, Pragu…

20 Apr 2013 151
Here's another shot of the freight station.

Nakladove Nadrazi Zizkov, Picture 4, Zizkov, Pragu…

20 Apr 2013 138
Oddly, it looks to be a stub-end station.

Ceske Drahy 371 Class Arriving in Praha Hlavni Nad…

21 Oct 2013 196
This was the beginning of my next train trip, to Wien, or Vienna, in Austria. I had been to Austria three times already, but had never visited Vienna or any other major city, so this would be my first look at urban Austria. As is often the case on Eurocity Trains, our locomotive was a Class 371 electric.

269 items in total