Josefuv Dul Hike, Picture 3, near Bedrichov, Liberecky Kraj, Bohemia(CZ), 2007


I had obviously hiked the Adirondacks, but my first trip to Austria in 2005 completely changed my view of what hiking really meant. We nearly summitted Dachstein, but had to turn back because of poor visibility and s

Sunset Over Sumavsky Narodni Pamatka (Sumava), Bud…

29 Oct 2007 255's my parting shot from the Sumava trip, a proper sunset. Hope you like it. :-)

Josefuv Dul Reservoir, Kamenici, Liberecky Kraj, B…

04 Nov 2007 266
This is the Josefuv Dul reservior, which is also right in the middle of an area where many people hike, which is why we were there. Getting a look at this impressive bit of "socialist engineering" was worth it as a side trip at least.

Josefuv Dul Reservoir Plaque, Kamenici, Bohemia(CZ…

04 Nov 2007 257
Here's the plaque commemorating the construction of Josefuv Dul reservoir.

Prezidentska Chata, Bedrichov, Liberecky Kraj, Boh…

04 Nov 2007 281
Now a restaurant and hotel, this chateau used to be the Presidential Chateau (sometimes considered to be, in reality, a Chalet) of the Czechoslovak Republic, hence the name. Its prior existence, however, was a long time ago, being in the days of President Jan Masaryk, in the 1920s, so it hasn't been used by the President of the Republic in a very long time.

Horse, Prezidenska Chata, Bedrichov, Liberecky Kra…

04 Nov 2007 295
One of the attractions at the Prezidentska Chata is horseback riding, and this is one of their horses. I don't know the breed, though, so that would be a helpful bit of information if you know anything about horses.

Josefuv Dul Hike, Picture 2, near Bedrichov, Liber…

04 Nov 2007 269
This was taken as we hiked onwards from the Prezidentska Chata, hoping to end up back in the Josefuv Dul town centre eventually. Actually, we hiked through several towns, but Josefuv Dul was the focal point.

Josefuv Dul Hike, Picture 4, near Bedrichov and Ja…

04 Nov 2007 223
Here's yet another landscape taken from Bedrichov, although the Hotel Jested doesn't feature in this one.

Josefuv Dul Hike, Picture 5, near Bedrichov and Ja…

04 Nov 2007 245
Here's maybe my favorite landscape from this trip, mainly because I like the composition, even if there are some cars in it. They actually complete the scene, if anything.

Josefuv Dul Hike, Picture 6, near Jablonec, Libere…

04 Nov 2007 245
Here's another shot with the Hotel Jested in the distance.

Josefuv Dul Hike, Picture 7, near Jablonec, Libere…

04 Nov 2007 209
Here we were finally getting back down to flatter land, although the Jezerske Hory, the mountain range in the area, are mostly low and rolling anyway. I took this shot at least partly for the sky.

Josefuv Dul Hike, Picture 9, near Jablonec, Libere…

04 Nov 2007 244
Here's another shot of the rolling landscape of the Jezerske Hory.

Josefuv Dul Hike, Picture 11, near Jablonec, Liber…

04 Nov 2007 387
I really liked the way the sun was illuminating the trees, buildings and so on with the sky in this spectacular a state, so I had to get this shot....even if many other photographers on Flickr could beat this easily. :-)

Josefuv Dul Hike, Picture 12, near Jablonec, Liber…

04 Nov 2007 314
I had to ask a flatmate what this is, but I appears to be a species of clover called a "Jetel Plazivy" in Czech. The nearest thing I could find in Wikipedia in English seemed to be a "Red Clover," but I don't know if that's what this is. In any case, I was more taking the photo for the bees. :-)

Ski Lift, near Slovanka, Liberecky Kraj, Bohemia(C…

04 Nov 2007 281
Well...there's no snow....but that's not global warming, not this time. We took this hike in June of 2007!

Slovanka, Picture 2, Liberecky Kraj, Bohemia(CZ),…

05 Nov 2007 355
Slovanka is an observation tower in Jezerske Hory, in Liberecky Kraj, that I visited with my travelling companions during our hike. It's not such a spectacular tower, but the views are decent.

Slovanka Sign, Liberecky Kraj, Bohemia(CZ), 2007

05 Nov 2007 350
Here's a sign with info on Slovanka that....I don't know much about. :-)

View From Slovanka, Liberecky Kraj, Bohemia(CZ), 2…

05 Nov 2007 276
The views from Slovanka, while not the most amazing in the Czech Republic, are nevertheless alright. I like the sky in this shot.

View From Slovanka, Picture 3, Liberecky Kraj, Boh…

05 Nov 2007 309
Here's another less dramatic shot taken from Slovanka.

184 items in total