Loch Ness, Scotland, UK, 2003


I first visited Scotland in the Fall of 1998, and I returned periodically until 2003. I've got a lot of Scotland photos that haven't been uploaded here, and I may yet return to Scotland at some point, so it's likely that this alb

01 Sep 2007

266 visits

Loch Ness, Scotland, UK, 2003

This is the famous Loch Ness, and due to the poor quality of the scan, I put off posting this until now. I was hoping to get a better scan, but it could be weeks or months before I have one, so I figured I'll post this now and see what people think. We didn't see the monster, but I did attempt to swim in it, and it was even colder than its reputation indicates. I had to stumble out before I became paralysed and in danger!!

01 Sep 2007

330 visits

Ben Nevis, Scotland, UK, 2003

Ben Nevis is the tallest mountain in Britain, and I've always liked this photo so much that I've included it, in spite of the bad scan. This mountain is so tough to climb that it's used to train British commando units like the SAS.

01 Sep 2007

390 visits

Scottish East Coast From Flying Scotsman, Scotland, 1998

I took this one going over 100 m.p.h. on the Flying Scotsman, not the locomotive, but the scheduled train. There is a difference. :-) The shame of it is that my scanner put lines through the photo, but luckily I still have the original stashed somewhere. I think, though, that the "dustmarks" on the right are actually sheep. :-)

01 Sep 2007

427 visits

Edinburgh Waverley Station, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 1998

I took this on my first visit to Edinburgh in 1998, and initially it didn't make the cut for Flickr, but I now realise that it closely resembles many other peoples' work, including that which is well-regarded, so now I've finally included it.

07 Nov 2007

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307 visits

Edinburgh Castle, colors adjusted, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2003

This is one of many photos that I have of Edinburgh Castle, this one being taken in 2003. The original came out really yellow, though, giving it a retro feel, and so this one was adjusted in Photoshop LE.

07 Nov 2007

263 visits

Edinburgh Castle, original "retro" colors, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2003

This is my 2003 Edinburgh Castle photo again, this one left untouched in its original yellowed "retro" form. I figured I should post both to see what people think. :-)