Dragon in Lanskroun, Bohemia (CZ), 2009

Music, Bands, etc.

These are some of the handful of snapshots that I've been able to get at concerts over the years.

Abolition at Cafe na pul cesty, Prague, CZ, 2012

14 Sep 2012 92
This was Abolition, also from Britain, who had an LP that I bought. It was a great show, although I haven't played the LP yet as I don't have a turntable at the moment.

Abolition at Cafe na pul cesty, Picture 2, Prague,…

14 Sep 2012 63
This was an alternate shot. All of my photos were blurred, which is normal for my cameraphone when I take it to a punk club at night.

New Hate Rising at Cafe na pul Cesty, Pankrac, Pra…

12 Apr 2013 87
This band were called "New Hate Rising," but they were actually anti-fascist, or at least had all the usual GNWP stickers and so on.

Gattaca at Klub 007, Strahov, Prague, CZ, 2013

07 May 2013 115
This band is called Gattaca. I thought that I had photos of them on iPernity already, but I guess not. They're a hardcore band from Prague, and I would argue they're one of the best. This show was at Klub 007, maybe the most famous punk club in Prague, which actually has been in operation since 1969, on and off, and continuously since 1989.

Gattaca at Klub 007, Picture 2, Strahov, Prague, C…

07 May 2013 91
Here's an alternate shot of Gattaca.

Linterno at Cafe na pul cesty, Pankrac, Prague, CZ…

09 May 2013 108
This was a concert by the hardcore band Linterno at Cafe na pul cesty in Prague.

Linterno at Cafe na pul cesty, Picture 2, Pankrac,…

09 May 2013 77
The Linterno show yielded this dramatic photo that I decided to keep in spite of it being a grainy cameraphone shot.

Daydream at Cafe na pul cesty, Pankrac, Prague, CZ…

19 May 2013 143
This was another hardcore band called Daydream.

Daydream at Cafe na pul cesty, Picture 2, Pankrac,…

19 May 2013 131
Again, I got a luckily dramatic, if technically bad, cameraphone shot.

Just for Being at Cafe na pul cesty, Pankrac, Prag…

19 May 2013 100
Daydream were playing a double bill with this band, called Just for Being.

Hounds of Hate at Fluff Fest, Rokycany, Plzensky k…

26 Jul 2013 117
Here are another anti-fascist punk band who have a fascist-sounding name: Hounds of Hate.

Hounds of Hate at Fluff Fest, Picture 2, Rokycany,…

26 Jul 2013 94
I don't remember the Hounds of Hate set very well, but I thought the resulting cameraphone shots were dramatic enough.

Microvomit at Fluff Fest, Rokycany, Plzensky kraj,…

27 Jul 2013 81
I DO remember Microvomit's set, as it's the only show I've ever gone to straight from my bed in the wee hours of the morning. It was so loud that it may have been the reason I had some hearing loss when I got home a couple of days later, in spite of having worn plugs for most of the festival. Actually, Microvomit's loudness was probably the reason they were allowed to play the festival, as they don't fit neatly into a punk rock mold. They're more like an incredibly loud fusion band who will happily jam for an hour straight.

As We Were at Fluff Fest, Rokycany, Plzensky kraj,…

27 Jul 2013 101
I've so far seen As We Were three times this year, at Fluff Fest, Klub 007, and Cafe na pul cesty, so I guess the only band I've seen more times this year would be Gattaca, who I've seen four times so far. They're from Burlington, Vermont, of all places, which actually has a healthy hardcore scene.

Downfall of Gaia at Fluff Fest, Rokycany, Plzensky…

27 Jul 2013 98
This bright, high-contrast, yet reasonably sharp shot was a lucky accident that resulted from my desperately trying to fit a shadow problem with the very-crude exposure controls my cameraphone has. The band are called Downfall of Gaia.

Wolf Down at Fluff Fest, Rokycany, Plzensky kraj,…

27 Jul 2013 87
If you're into Norah Jones, Alanis Morissette, Rihanna, Miley Cyrus, Beyonce, Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, Avril Lavigne, Jamie Callum, or Justin Timberlake...........then Wolf Down probably aren't your thing. :-D However, if you hate all of the above, then maybe you will like Wolf Down, especially if you think Megadeth are wimpy soft rock for Clear Channel. :-D

Wolf Down at Fluff Fest, Picture 2, Rokycany, Plze…

27 Jul 2013 95
Someone at the swimming pool called Wolf Down hipsters. Now, maybe they often get confused and call themselved Wolf X Down, as they can't seem to settle on a name, but labels are another story. No, not record labels. I mean, if they're hipsters then......who's NOT a hipster????? The guy in question, who wasn't from New York or even from America said they're hipsters because one or two of them have baseball caps...............................................................................................................................................huh? Besides, they're not from New York. They're German. :-)

Wolf Down at Fluff Fest, Picture 3, Rokycany, Plze…

27 Jul 2013 95
No, they're not going to play that nice song you know. :-D

70 items in total