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Kostel Nanebevzetí Panny Marie
Maria Himmelfahrtekirche

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152 visits

Marianske Lazne, Picture 19, Karlovarske kraj, Bohemia (CZ), 2011

Marianske Lazne, Picture 19, Karlovarske kraj, Bohemia (CZ), 2011
This is the Kostel Nanebevzeti Panny Marie, or the Maria Himmelfahrtekirche in German. In English, this is the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. The church is of similar vintage to many of the hotels, having been built in 1848. What isn't so visible in this photo is, firstly, that this church is much larger than it looks, and secondly, it is dominated by a large dome in the middle, hidden mostly by the angle of this shot.


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