IT - Rome - Ceiling in Capitoline Museums

Historic Centre of Rome

Folder: UNESCO Welterbe / World Heritage / Patrimoine Mondial

IT - Rom - Piazza Navona, Vierströmebrunnen

30 Mar 2003 16 134
Erinnerungen an meinen ersten Aufenthalt in Rom - Scans von Fotos mit meiner alten Pentax.

IT - Rome - Trevi fountain

IT - Rome - Sacro Cuore del Suffragio

IT - Rome - Santa Maria in Cosmedin

IT - Rome - Spanish Steps

29 Mar 2003 2 163
No, this picture was not taken during a football match of either Roma, Lazio or the Squadra Azzurra. It was an early morning (Saturday, if I remember correctly), and so this is the reward for being an early bird.

IT - Rom - Temple des Antoninus Pius und der Faust…

IT - Rome - Forum Romanum

IT - Rome - Hippodrome of Domitian

IT - Rome - Colosseum

IT - Rom - Petersplatz

IT - Rom - Petersdom

IT - Rom - Lateranbasilika

IT - Rom - Petersplatz

IT - Rome - Blick vom Pincio

IT - Rom - Konstantinsbogen

IT - Rom - Bogen des Septimus Severus

IT - Rom - Marcellus Theater

IT - Rom - Colosseum

42 items in total