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132 visits

Cattle Incline

Cattle  Incline
Die puntjes is Stof de lucht zat er vol mee toen
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Nouchetdu38, Wierd Folkersma, Kawasirius, John FitzGerald and 16 other people have particularly liked this photo

10 comments - The latest ones
 Jenny McIntyre
Jenny McIntyre club
Love the long shadows made by the evening sun
6 years ago.
 Marie-claire Gallet
Marie-claire Gallet
WOW, love the lines in this picture, Fred *************
6 years ago.
Magnífico Fred!!! This is is my favorite of all of them. Absolutely Mr. Fred.
6 years ago.
 Soeradjoen (limited time)
Soeradjoen (limited…
Great capture!
6 years ago.
 William Sutherland
William Sutherland club
Magnificent capture and lighting!

Admired in:
6 years ago.
ROL/Photo club
6 years ago.
Gudrun club
Fantastisches Licht!
6 years ago.
 Andy Rodker
Andy Rodker club
Super shot!
6 years ago.
 John FitzGerald
John FitzGerald club
An excellent banded composition.
6 years ago.

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