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Aged 12th Century

Aged  12th Century
Oorspronkelijke bewoner Jan van Eyck zwarte ridder
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micritter, Eunice Perkins, , William Sutherland and 7 other people have particularly liked this photo

 Fred Fouarge
Fred Fouarge club
Alles wordt opgeknapt alleen dit niet (Waarom niet?) Het was een zwarte ridder,,nou alsof die andere lieverdjes waren......iedereen die zo'n kasteel in die tijd had waren belastinginners van de armen !
6 years ago.
Valfal club
Wow, it is hard for me to conceive of a man-made structure that is 800 years old! The oldest building in the USA goes back maybe 300 years at most. Excellent capture, Fred!
6 years ago.
 William Sutherland
William Sutherland club
Awesome historical capture!

Admired in:
6 years ago.
 Eunice Perkins
Eunice Perkins club
How wonderful to have such a piece of history!! It looks so attractive surrounded by trees.
6 years ago.

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