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Nora Caracci, Nouchetdu38, Paolo Tanino, Micky Mike and 28 other people have particularly liked this photo

20 comments - The latest ones
 Andrew Trundlewagon
Andrew Trundlewagon club
Wow. That is a precarious position to be build a hut. Terrific image!
2 weeks ago.
 William Sutherland
William Sutherland club
Outstanding shot!
2 weeks ago.
 Joe, Son of the Rock
Joe, Son of the Rock club
An idyllic spot for a cabin. The views must be very spectacular. Have a great weekend, Anton. Best wishes, Joe
2 weeks ago.
PascalL club
image impressionnante, isolée la maison, bonne fin de semaine
2 weeks ago.
 Madeleine Defawes
Madeleine Defawes club
Superbe image de la petite cabane perchée !
Bon weekend. Amitiés
2 weeks ago.
 Jean-louis Thiaudiere
Jean-louis Thiaudier… club
2 weeks ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
Amazing rock formations.
2 weeks ago.
 Stephan Fey
Stephan Fey club
Fascinating location!
2 weeks ago.
WiePet club
2 weeks ago.
 Keith Burton
Keith Burton club
What an awesome place to build a hut...........I assume it must be well protected by the rock against the prevailing winds. The views from up there must be wonderful..........but it's far too high up for me!

I'm amazed that the trees manage to survive up there........and I'm wondering why that big rock balancing top left, hasn't fallen off yet :-))

I'm also impressed that you climbed up there to get the shot Anton. This is a cracking shot my friend..!!

(Andy Rodker would have loved this one)!
2 weeks ago. Edited 2 weeks ago.
Annemarie club
a special place, and a beautiful image

Have a nice weekend:)
2 weeks ago.
 Thierry Deville
Thierry Deville
❤️☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ❤️
❤️ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ❤️
☯ ☯ ☯ ❤️ ❤️ ☯ ☯ ☯
2 weeks ago.
 Günter Diel
Günter Diel club
Eine beeindruckende Felsformation. Sehr schön gezeigt! Gruß Günter
2 weeks ago.
 Pierre Pasqualini
Pierre Pasqualini club
Très jolie prise! Belle et étonnante avec ce rocher en équilibre.
2 weeks ago.
 Patrick Brandy
Patrick Brandy club
Incroyable beauté de la naure bonne journée Anton.
2 weeks ago.
 Valeriane ♫ ♫ ♫¨*
Valeriane ♫ ♫ ♫¨* club
quelle merveille la photo de cette maisonnette nichée au creux de cet amoncellement de roches avec en bas ce panorama ! j'adore ! bravo mon ami c'est exceptionnel************************
11 days ago.
 Dominique Sarrazin
Dominique Sarrazin club
Les lois de la physique ! *********************
10 days ago.
Nouchetdu38 club
Un site époustouflant!!!!!
4 days ago.
 Nora Caracci
Nora Caracci club
espectacular !
3 days ago.
 Siggi Klawonn
Siggi Klawonn new
Grandios, hoffentlich steht noch alles fest.
2 days ago.

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