A 7.5m circular walk in February 2007 from Seckington

Staffordshire Walks, Seckington

Folder: Staffordshire Walks
A 7.5m circular walk in February 2007 from Seckington, along the path westward past Clifton Rough, turning north to Haunton, east to Clifton Campville, and then south to Thorpe Connsantine. On return to Seckington a look around the Church and the Motte and Bailey. (Seckington is in Warwickshire, but as you turn west along the footpath you enter Staffordshire and remain until the return.)

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01 Feb 2007

82 visits

Church of All Saints at Seckington

01 Feb 2007

96 visits

Motte and Bailey castle at Seckington

The Motte and Bailey at Seckington was the best we had come across. historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1011366
20 items in total