Lost on a Winter's Trail

Piedmont Maryland

Folder: Maryland

American Dogwood

20 Apr 2019 10 3 237
... on a tree which gets almost full-day sun, otherwise it would have died from the recent blight ...

Florets Waiting to Pop ...

20 Apr 2019 8 3 243
Unknown small Appalachian tree (species to be determined) ... suggestions appreciated !! ...

White and Shadow

20 Apr 2019 10 6 220
American Dogwood -- this understory forest tree (4 -10 meter tall) was once the Springtime queen of Appalachian and Piedmont forests: an absolute blizzard of white blossoms in the woods, stretching as far as the eye could see. In the past 30 years, Anthracnose fungus has wiped them out (Over-browsing by Whitetail Deer accentuated their demise, in areas where the deer are protected from hunters.) In my Piedmont Maryland woodlot, only two remain, both where they get almost full-day sun ... I think the sunlight keeps them dry and retards the growth of the fungus.

Little Girls at the Fair (3)

Little Girls at the Fair (2)

Little Girls at the Fair (1)

Big Girls at the Fair (3)

20 Sep 2018 14 3 439
Happy (hard-as-stone) Bench Monday !!

Big Girls at the Fair (2)

Big Girls at the Fair (1)

Main & Mechanic Streets, Sharpsburg Maryland

Tithonia (the new anti-gravity variety)

Green with Envy

18 Apr 2017 18 12 107
... (vertical aspect sometimes does not show up well ... but full-screen, on black, looks OK) ...

Fall Out! Stack Arms! Make Camp!

30 June 1862 6 2 119
Time Machine Photo -- Randomly, I get sucked into some kind of 4th Dimension anomaly ... here, I clicked this one off as I was transported through a Civil War camp somewhere in Maryland or Virginia, apparently in 1862.

Plate Girder Bridge -- HFF

21 Apr 2018 12 6 107
Maryland Midland Railroad bridge over Owens Creek and Sabillasville Road on Catoctin Mountain. Formerly the historic Hanover Subdivision of the Western Maryland Railroad, it was acquired by CSX Railroad in the railroad consolidation period of the 1970's and 1980's; then purchased by small regional Maryland Midland in the late-80's. Nowadays, usually 5 powerful diesel locomotives are needed to haul gravel and cement trains up the steep grades of Catoctin Mountain, the easternmost mountain of the Appalachians.

Abandoned Trail

Whispering a Secret

13 Sep 2018 22 16 141
What do you think the secret was? Your witty suggestions encouraged! Such as -- 1) "For two carrots and an apple, you can have the really nice saddle in here." ... or ... 2) "Come closer, and I will bite you".


15 Sep 2017 13 8 113
Pulling partners: big and strong ... (and when a single horse has more than "one horsepower") ...

All Dressed Up

15 Sep 2017 12 5 145
A matched pair of Draft Horses ready for a "stoneboat" pulling contest.

124 items in total