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Silence Silence

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419 visits

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Thank you
"There are only two things you can do wrong: stop or don't start!" - unknown

Thank you to the team who worked so hard to solve this problem.
You are great !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alexander Prolygin, Gudrun, Gerrit Luggenhorst, FarbFormFreude and 50 other people have particularly liked this photo

 Richard Chamberlain
Richard Chamberlain
Have a great new year.
3 years ago.
 Hélène Lombard
Hélène Lombard
Joli !!! Bonne année.
3 years ago.
J.Garcia club
Wonderful gift, Aschi
3 years ago.
Annaig56 club
contente de te revoir ici, *******
3 years ago.
vero club
ton coeur est sublime, bel hommage, Une très bonne année, Ashi, bisous
3 years ago.

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