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196 visits
P1140795 - Vespinae - Wespe - Wasp
Wenn dich die Lästerzunge sticht,
so lass dir dies zum Troste sagen.
Die schlechtesten Früchte sind es nicht,
woran die Wespen nagen.
(Zitat von Gottfried August Bürger)
Free translation:
When you are stung by envious tongues,
let this be your consolation.
Wasps do not choose bad fruit
to enjoy themselves in celebration.
Translate into English
so lass dir dies zum Troste sagen.
Die schlechtesten Früchte sind es nicht,
woran die Wespen nagen.
(Zitat von Gottfried August Bürger)
Free translation:
When you are stung by envious tongues,
let this be your consolation.
Wasps do not choose bad fruit
to enjoy themselves in celebration.
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Greetings, Amelia
Best regards, May
Andy Rodker club has replied to Margrit May Berger (…Best wishes, Andy
Margrit May Berger (… has replied to Andy Rodker clubs.G.Herbert
Margrit May Berger (… has replied to Herbert_SThe excellent photo tells us our wonderful planet!!
Thank you for this sharing!
Best greetings
Margrit May Berger (… has replied to gezginruh clubWarm regards, May
Margrit May Berger (… has replied to Don Sutherland clubBest wishes!
Congrats on Explore.
Margrit May Berger (… has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubwww.ipernity.com/group/tolerance
to write a comment.