
Adele club

Posted: 20 Jan 2023

Taken: 15 Jan 2023

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338 visits

Valnontey: in fondo il Gran Paradiso (4061 m)

Valnontey: in fondo il  Gran Paradiso (4061 m)
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Andrea Riberti, HelenaPF, Nouchetdu38, Gabriella Siglinde and 51 other people have particularly liked this photo

39 comments - The latest ones
 Steve Paxton
Steve Paxton club
Nice to see when its warm, HFF you have a very good weekend.
2 years ago.
Amelia club
Perfect fence with gorgeous scenery as a backdrop. The snowy weather helps to accentuate everything.
HFF, Adele
2 years ago.
 Diana Australis
Diana Australis club
HFF Adele. I love this. The composition is fabulous, the view stunning and the fence leads the eye right into it. Enjoy your weekend
2 years ago.
 Stephan Fey
Stephan Fey club
HFF, Adele! A most lovely view down the Valley. Have a good end of the week!
2 years ago.
Loose_Grip/Pete club
Excellent winter capture.
HFF Adele & have a great weekend.
2 years ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
Well composed winter scene.
Happy FF and enjoy your weekend
2 years ago.
Makrofan club
HFF und ein schönes Wochenende im Schnee!
2 years ago.
 William Sutherland
William Sutherland club
Beautiful scenic shot! HFF! Stay well!

Admired in:
2 years ago.
 Roger (Grisly)
Roger (Grisly) club
Wonderful leading lines in a fabulous winter image, Adele,
Wish you HFF and a nice weekend
2 years ago.
 Erhard Bernstein
Erhard Bernstein club
HFF Adele!
2 years ago.
 Günter Klaus
Günter Klaus club
Eine sehr schöne winterliche Aufnahme mit diesen tollen Blick auf die hintere Bergwelt liebe Adele,sehr schön finde ich auch,wie der Zaun da in deine schöne Aufnahme führt :))

Wünsche noch einen schönen Nachmittag,ganz liebe Grüße Güni :))
2 years ago.
 Percy Schramm
Percy Schramm club
Really a beautiful winter scene. HFF ed un buon fine della settimana, Adele !
2 years ago.
 Gabi Lombardo
Gabi Lombardo club
questo bel sentiero invita a mettersi in cammino! HFF e buon fine settimana a te!
2 years ago.
Xata club
E um caminho paradisíaco pela frente, HFF Adele
2 years ago.
Schussentäler club
Eine wunderschöne Landschaft
HFF und ein schönes Wochenende
2 years ago.
Christa1004 club
So beautiful, it makes me wish to make a walk there,.. HFF Adele.
2 years ago.
 Falk Preusche
Falk Preusche club
HFF, Adele!
2 years ago.
Ecobird club
A picture postcard winter scene Adele, - so beautiful, and what a magnificent backdrop

HFF and have a lovely weekend
2 years ago.
 Frank J Casella
Frank J Casella
Gorgeous!! HFF
2 years ago.
 Dimas Sequeira
Dimas Sequeira club
Bella vista sulla valle tra le montagne! HFF, Adele!
2 years ago.
 Ulrich John
Ulrich John club
This view is fantastic, Adele ! A fine composition ! HFF and a good weekend ahead !
2 years ago.
 Herb Riddle
Herb Riddle club
Just got to love this walk and view. Well done.

HFF, enjoy the day. Herb
2 years ago.
©UdoSm club
Oh, a fantastic winter photo...
2 years ago.
Bergfex club
HFF and a great weekend!
2 years ago.
 Rosalyn Hilborne
Rosalyn Hilborne
Wow, what a beautifully composed picture dear Adele! Many people have enjoyed this walk, by looking at the footprints, and the view ahead is well worth it.

HFF my friend and wish you a good weekend.
2 years ago.
trester88 club
Wunderschöne Winterlandschaft!
HFF und ein schönes Wochenende, Adele!
2 years ago.
 Malik Raoulda
Malik Raoulda club
2 years ago.
 Marije Aguillo
Marije Aguillo club
Una imagen fantástica. Muy buena toma. HFF y que tengas un bonito fin de semana.
2 years ago.
photosofghosts club
La chiave di lettura della foto è semplice e intuitiva, ovvero la staccionata che individua il sentiero serpeggiante ma coperto dalla neve; una linea elegante e sinuosa che sembra perdersi all'infinito e che guida i nostri sguardi verso le montagne innevate.
Semplicità dicevo, ma anche grande l'intuizione di sfruttare il contrasto tra lo scuro del legno e il candore della neve. Anche tu sei su quel sentiero e posso quasi intuire il desiderio di percorrerlo, di sentirti più vicina a quelle montagne.
Il manto nevoso dà l'impressione di una enorme coperta che ovatta ogni tipo di rumore, che amplifica il senso di pace e di meditazione.
Una bella veduta davvero !
Un saluto affettuoso
2 years ago.
Annemarie club
Stupenda Adele
2 years ago.
 Andy Rodker
Andy Rodker club
Wonderful wriggly fence in a super winter mountain and valley landscape!
2 years ago.
 Fred Fouarge
Fred Fouarge club
Mooie slinger naar het dal Adéle HFF en mooi Weekend
2 years ago.
Annaig56 club
magnifique paysage ,,,,
2 years ago.
sea-herdorf club
Ein wunderschöner Weg ins Schneeparadies, Adele.
Schöne, winterliche Grüße und ein angenehmes Wochenende
2 years ago.
 Nora Caracci
Nora Caracci club
ottima ripresa (l'occhio corre con la staccionata) di un posto delizioso !
2 years ago.
 Marek Ewjan Stachowski
Marek Ewjan Stachows…
lovely sight, very attractive shot
have a good new week, Adele !
2 years ago.
 Silvana -Silvy 51
Silvana -Silvy 51
Uno accanto che ti fa desiderare di essere lì......
Ciao, Silvy
2 years ago.
 Patrick Brandy
Patrick Brandy club
Sublime belle soirée.
2 years ago.
 J. Gafarot
J. Gafarot club
Je ne sais pas quoi dire, maintenent que je fais des plans por une visite.
Une dernière fois là haut où j'ai si bien vécu 20 ans.
Ça et lá, ailleurs et nule part.
Pas trop d'amis et pas trop de vains espoirs.
La beauté simple et dure de ces hivers en famille.
Grazzie, mon amie.
2 years ago.

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