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Back into memories

Folder: "Site"-seeing

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Impressive - memory

12 Oct 2016 3 1 270
Once, my hometown

Market on the market-place

Oberer Marktbrunnen

As child - a few memories to this place - in der B…

Old school - to learn the basics

Gap - kitchen, toilet, rooms ... :-)

the very first bakery in my life

12 Oct 2016 3 257
The form of the bretzel is exactly the form of the little sweet Vanilly-Bretzel - 10 Pfennig (in 1953) and still there is an exact remembering to the taste of it . :-)

Marketplace View @ Calw

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Top of the Townhall

Roofs @ Calw

Roof of the church "Peter und Paul"

Old and replaced


Im Kloster Schöntal

25 Jun 2006 5 5 139
Info zum Kloster

Bewohner dieser Suite

25 Jun 2006 1 124
Ehemalige Lehrer in ihrem Wohnbereich

40 items in total