Nick Weall

Nick Weall club

Posted: 27 Jun 2024

Taken: 17 Jun 2012

14 favorites     29 comments    32 visits

1/400 f/3.3 4.7 mm ISO 100

Panasonic DMC-TZ5

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32 visits

HFF From Westwood Baillie River Thames/Grand Union Canal

HFF From Westwood Baillie River Thames/Grand Union Canal

Don Sutherland, Diana Australis, trester88, Peter_Private_Box and 10 other people have particularly liked this photo

29 comments - The latest ones
gezginruh club
A nice perspective of the bridge here!
HFF dear Nick! Have a wonderful weekend!

Best greetings
4 days ago.
Nick Weall club has replied to gezginruh club
Hi dear GGR. Thanks for your kind words and good wishes. It is great to hear from you. Hanwe ~ warm wishes
3 days ago.
Christa1004 club
Nice white railings for the bridge. HFF Nick.
4 days ago.
Nick Weall club has replied to Christa1004 club
Thanks ~ Hanwe
3 days ago.
 Herb Riddle
Herb Riddle club
A nice canal bridge and fence here Nick. Well done.

HFF, enjoy the weekend. Herb
3 days ago.
Nick Weall club has replied to Herb Riddle club
Thanks Herb
3 days ago.
Amelia club
Looking at the exif data, this was taken at 6.40 a.m. Early to bed early to rise makes a man a good photographer. ;-)) Nice shadows.
HFF dear Nick, an enjoy the weekend. It's a lot cooler here today, and I'm off to yoga in 30 minutes
3 days ago.
Nick Weall club has replied to Amelia club
Hi dear LGM, enjoy your yoga and the coming weekend ~ The heat kills me so the cooler the better ~~~
3 days ago.
 William Sutherland
William Sutherland club
Fabulous capture! HFF!
3 days ago.
Nick Weall club has replied to William Sutherland club
Thanks ~ Hanwe
3 days ago.
Gudrun club
The shadows add to the photo! HFF and a good, hopefully not too hot weekend!
3 days ago.
Nick Weall club has replied to Gudrun club
Hi ~ Thank you ~~~ Time will tell I guess
3 days ago.
Xata club
HFF Nick, fence strenghtened by the "X"s !
3 days ago.
Nick Weall club has replied to Xata club
where would we be without kisses
3 days ago.
Xata club has replied to Nick Weall club
True… so: xxxxxx
2 days ago.
Nick Weall club has replied to Xata club
yummy xxx
43 hours ago.
 Patrick Brandy
Patrick Brandy club
Joli ce pont bonne journée.
3 days ago.
Nick Weall club has replied to Patrick Brandy club
Thank you
3 days ago.
 Falk Preusche
Falk Preusche club
HFF, Nick!
3 days ago.
Nick Weall club has replied to Falk Preusche club
Thank you
44 hours ago.
 Dimas Sequeira
Dimas Sequeira club
Excellent catch! They put an "X" in every section of the fence where a reinforcement was advisable. HFF, Nick!
3 days ago.
Peter_Private_Box club
Hi Nick
A wonderful and interesting picture, which I like very much!
Very nice composition
Great colours too
Best Wishes, HFF, a nice week ahead, and stay safe!!
PS, sorry for lack of contact, I've been away, as you can probably figure out!
3 days ago.
Nick Weall club has replied to Peter_Private_Box club
Good morning Peter, yes I thought that you were busy elsewhere, so welcome back ~~~
to the hurly burly of election countdown ~ Thanks for your kind critique and good wishes ~ you stay safe as well
2 days ago.
trester88 club
HFF und ein schönes Wochenende, Nick!
3 days ago.
Nick Weall club has replied to trester88 club
Thank you ~ Hanwe
2 days ago.
 Diana Australis
Diana Australis club
Lovely old bridge! Have a top weekend,
3 days ago.
Nick Weall club has replied to Diana Australis club
Thank you Diana ~ Hanwe
2 days ago.
 Don Sutherland
Don Sutherland club
Great capture.
2 days ago.
Nick Weall club has replied to Don Sutherland club
44 hours ago.

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