Maiden Tower, Istanbul, Turkey


Fence down the middle of the road - before the vir…

15 Mar 2020 28 58 169
Now see after the virus:- . HFF

Cat and old house

15 Mar 2020 19 22 141
Maybe he lives here, and finds lots of mice to catch!

Nice holiday in Ayvalik!!

Kuşadası, Turkey

Galata Tower, Istanbul, on Republic Day!

29 Oct 2014 15 16 172
The holiday commemorates the events of 29 October 1923, when Mustafa Kemal Atatürk declared that Turkey was henceforth a republic.

Spring Time..

15 Mar 2020 32 73 178
HFF! The winter view is here!!

Lady sitting on a stone bench

14 Feb 2021 23 33 156
Ephesus, Turkey Happy Bench Monday!! Another lady sitting on a stone bench is here:--

The beach.. Fenerbahçe, Istanbul

Sitting on a bench in Istanbul

13 Mar 2020 16 30 125
HBM!! Another bench in Istanbul is here:-

Musial gentleman sitting on the bench

25 Jun 2021 19 28 137
HBM!! Maybe the seagull is nicer!

Cat and fence at Fenerbahçe

08 Oct 2021 22 24 139
HFF! Please see the seagull too! Hi Everybody, Thank you so much in advance for your visits and kind comments, At the moment I am very busy with other things, so may not be able to reply promptly, or visit you. Sorry! Best Wishes, HFF, a good week ahead , and Keep safe Peter

Lady in red coat looking at the fence to the house…

14 Mar 2020 24 25 155
HFF! Another very beautiful picture is here: -

Wall in Maiden's Tower

Benches outside Blue Mosque

29 Sep 2014 18 32 184
Here, the benches are empty!! HBM!

HFF from Bosphorus!

12 Mar 2020 25 38 139
Also HFF from Bosphorus!!

Between two Walls - Yoros Turkey

70 items in total