Peter_Private_Box's photos
Fence in front of derelict house.
Loco 99 1777-3 at Oberwiesenthal
99 773 99 1773-3 Built 1953 Lokomotivbau Babelsberg
Operated by Fichtelbergbahn Oberwiesenthal
The illuminated wall of 'The Plough'.
Ein Tisch in Erfurt
Rapunzel in Erfurt
Kurort Oberwiesenthal. Fence outside station shop.
Im Schneetreiben zum Brocken
There are two sets of footsteps in the snow.
The other set is from Erhard, who has a nicer picture!
New walls being built! - Slums of the future!
Sadly, new building like this is everywhere. Row upon row of low class tiny terraced houses, The village is going down the toilet...
Unhappy Wednesday wall....
Squirrel on the bird table!
A very sturdy bench at Hasselfelde!!
A big thank you to Erhard for getting us here!
Happy Monday!
And please have a good look to see what it is made of!
Whiteman Waters, now frozen
Half a moon!
View over the fence from Scharfenstein castle
Walls of the new station at Blankenburg Harz
Happy Wednesday Wall.
The old station building is here!!
Nice clean energy!
Find the bench! And the table!
Happy Monday! Happy Table Tuesday!
In the distance is Lippendorf Power station..
Annaberg Bucholz street
Some fences there!! HFF!!
Same place as
View the opposite direction is here:-
The night sky!
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