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HBM "Happy Bench Monday" HBM "Happy Bench Monday"

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186 visits

Füsun and Alan Turing!! HBM!!!!

Füsun and Alan Turing!!   HBM!!!!
Sitting on a bench....HBM!

Also here!! www.ipernity.com/doc/2247842/50650818

Nouchetdu38, buonacoppi, Gudrun, Erhard Bernstein and 24 other people have particularly liked this photo

36 comments - The latest ones
LotharW club
HBM, Peter und ein schönes Wochenende!
3 years ago.
Peter_Private_Box club has replied to LotharW club
Hi Lothar ,
Thank you so much for your very kind visit.
I'm pleased that you have enjoyed it!
Best Wishes, HBM, and keep safe!!
3 years ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
Again two beauties !~!
3 years ago.
Peter_Private_Box club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen club
Hi Jaap,
Thank you for visiting!
I am so happy that you like the scene.
Best Wishes, HBM, and keep safe!!
3 years ago.
 Wierd Folkersma
Wierd Folkersma club
HBM to you both!
3 years ago.
Peter_Private_Box club has replied to Wierd Folkersma club
Hi Wierd,
Your visit is most welcome. Thank you.
Glad you like it.
Best Wishes, HBM, and keep safe!!
3 years ago.
 HH-volker 2
HH-volker 2 club
You took a very nice picture
of this couple, Peter!

HBM and have a good start into the week!
3 years ago.
Peter_Private_Box club has replied to HH-volker 2 club
Hi Volker ,
Thank you very much!
I'm happy that you had a good look!!
Best Wishes, HBM, and keep safe!!
3 years ago.
gezginruh club
My dear Peter,

Same time , and same place! It is fun!
A wonderful memory which has special meaning for us ,and a nice picture!

HBM and have a great week! Stay safe!

Love Füsun
3 years ago.
Peter_Private_Box club has replied to gezginruh club
My dear Füsun
Thank you very much!
I'm pleased that you have enjoyed it!
As you know, there is some special meanings and connections here, so a very special picture for us in many ways!
Best Wishes, HBM, and keep safe!!
Love Peter
3 years ago.
 Rosalyn Hilborne
Rosalyn Hilborne
Hi Peter,
What a beautiful picture of Fusun! Also a fine sculpture of a man who was seriously wronged!
I'm guessing the date it was taken is not correct....if it is, where was that sunshine ;-))
All the best & wish you a good new week.
3 years ago.
Peter_Private_Box club has replied to Rosalyn Hilborne
Hi Rosa ,
Your visit is much appreciated. Thank you!
I am pleased you found it interesting. Of course there is much much more to this picture than I can write here..
The date is a quirk of ipernity. Füsun's picture has taken it correctly.
Best Wishes, HBM, and keep safe!!
3 years ago.
 Dida From Augsburg
Dida From Augsburg club
A very lovely portrait of Füsun - always nice to see you both at the same places!

HBM and a good new week, Peter!
3 years ago.
Peter_Private_Box club has replied to Dida From Augsburg club
Hi Dida ,
Thank you for visiting!
Glad you like it.
Best Wishes, HBM, and keep safe!!
3 years ago.
Christa1004 club
A fine shot of Füsun, she looks so happy and cheerful. HBM Peter.
3 years ago.
Peter_Private_Box club has replied to Christa1004 club
Hi Christa ,
Your visit is most welcome. Thank you.
I'm happy that you had a good look!!
Füsun had so many reasons to be happy that day!!
Best Wishes, HBM, and keep safe!!
3 years ago.
Xata club
A companion who wont say a word !!!
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
Peter_Private_Box club has replied to Xata club
Hi Isabel ,
Thank you very much!
I am pleased you found it interesting.
Best Wishes, HBM, and keep safe!!
3 years ago.
 Erika Akire
Erika Akire
...super with the smile, Peter...
3 years ago.
Peter_Private_Box club has replied to Erika Akire
Hi Erika ,
Thank you so much for your very kind visit.
I'm pleased that you have enjoyed it!
Best Wishes, HBM, and keep safe!!
3 years ago.
 Ulrich John
Ulrich John club
Cool couple ! :-))) ! HBM and a very nice week, Peter !
3 years ago.
Peter_Private_Box club has replied to Ulrich John club
Hi Ulrich ,
Your visit is most welcome. Thank you.
I am so happy that you like the scene.
Best Wishes, HBM, and keep safe!!
3 years ago.
 Fred Fouarge
Fred Fouarge club
Leuk koppel HBM Peter
3 years ago.
Peter_Private_Box club has replied to Fred Fouarge club
Hi Fred ,
Thank you so much for your very kind visit.
Glad you like it.
Best Wishes, HBM, and keep safe!!
3 years ago.
 Sarah O'
Sarah O' club
Peter, what an awesome shot of Fusun with Alan Turing.... I love her bright, cheerful and colorful outfit. the pretty toenail color and the nice flip-flops.. ( well , here., we call those by that name ) :))) have a good week , Peter...thanks for sharing this photo....

best wishes, Sarah
3 years ago.
Peter_Private_Box club has replied to Sarah O' club
Hi Sarah,
Thank you for visiting!
I'm happy that you had a good look!!
It was of course a bright cheerful summer day, and Füsun was very happy!!
Best Wishes, HBM, and keep safe!!
3 years ago.
 Tanja - Loughcrew
Tanja - Loughcrew club
:)))) I like the idea of sharing a photo each HBM Peter...heya dear Füsun...you look beautiful !
HBM and enjoy a good and happy week!
3 years ago.
Peter_Private_Box club has replied to Tanja - Loughcrew club
Hi Tanja ,
Your visit is most welcome. Thank you.
I am pleased you found our matching of photos interesting.
Sometimes we figure out something to share, this week we were lucky!
Best Wishes, HBM, and keep safe!!
3 years ago.
╰☆☆June☆☆╮ club
Excellent !!!!
Have a great new week my friend...
3 years ago.
Peter_Private_Box club has replied to ╰☆☆June☆☆╮ club
Hi June ,
Your visit is much appreciated. Thank you!
I'm pleased that you have enjoyed it!
Best Wishes, HBM, and keep safe!!
3 years ago.
 Dimas Sequeira
Dimas Sequeira club
Two lovely expressions! Alan holds his apple - he will eat it after the photos! HBM, Peter!
3 years ago.
Peter_Private_Box club has replied to Dimas Sequeira club
Hi Dimas ,
Thank you so much for your very kind visit.
I'm happy that you had a good look!!
Best Wishes, HBM, and keep safe!!
3 years ago.
What a lovely shot Peter and as with the other shot of the series all look very happy ..

A belated HBM Peter and hope your week goes well

Best wishes and stay safe

3 years ago.
Peter_Private_Box club has replied to Ste
Hi Steve ,
Your visit is much appreciated. Thank you!
I'm happy that you had a good look!!
As I said to a couple of other people, there is a lot more to the background here...
Best Wishes, (slightly late) HBM, and keep safe!!
3 years ago.
Gudrun club
Ha, that's cool! Füsun's big smile even lights up Alan Turing a bit:-)
3 years ago.
Peter_Private_Box club has replied to Gudrun club
Hi Gudrun ,
Your visit is most welcome. Thank you.
I'm pleased that you have enjoyed it!
Best Wishes, HBM, and keep safe!!
3 years ago.

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