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205 visits

The Queens residence, Sandringham

The Queens residence, Sandringham

Rosalyn Hilborne, gezginruh, Ecobird and 2 other people have particularly liked this photo

8 comments - The latest ones
Very nice indeed Peter and signs of Autumn here already it appears .. liked by me for sure

Best wishes ... Steve
7 years ago.
Peter_Private_Box club
Hi Steve,

Thank you so much. It is a pity Her Majesty was not around on that day to share the spectacle too!
Best wishes
7 years ago.
Ecobird club
That is a really beautiful image in the Autumn light Peter. The colours are gorgeous
7 years ago.
Peter_Private_Box club has replied to Ecobird club
Thank you Carol,

I am happy that you like it, especially since it was a bit of a miserable grey day!
Of course the garden must be kept in top condition for Her Majesty!!

Best Wishes
7 years ago.
gezginruh club
My dear Peter,

It is a very nice frame, although a bit of a miserable grey day!
Such wonderful colours!
What a nice September!!

Love Füsun
7 years ago.
Peter_Private_Box club has replied to gezginruh club
My Dear Füsun,

Thank you for your extremely kind comments.
I am glad that you like the colours, I am sure the Queen does too when she walks along this path! (Although I am not here to met her!)

Love Peter
7 years ago.
 Rosalyn Hilborne
Rosalyn Hilborne
Hi Peter, I must have been following in your footsteps ;-))
Have a great weekend.

Best wishes, Rosa.
6 years ago.
Peter_Private_Box club has replied to Rosalyn Hilborne
Hi Rosa,
Thank you so much for your very kind visit.
Glad you like it.
Best Wishes, (slightly late) - sorry, I missed it at the time - don't know why!)
5 years ago.

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