
gezginruh club

Posted: 07 Nov 2022

Taken: 11 Jun 2019

13 favorites     9 comments    93 visits


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93 visits

Happy Monday!

Happy Monday!
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Erhard Bernstein, David G Johnson, Stefani Wehner, Rosalyn Hilborne and 9 other people have particularly liked this photo

9 comments - The latest ones
Peter_Private_Box club
My dear Füsun
A wonderful and interesting picture, which I like very much!
Very nice composition, especially the cat looking...
I too have a picture of this character, and so a nice reminder of a wonderful holiday!!
Best Wishes, Happy Monday, a nice week ahead, and stay safe!!
Love Peter
2 years ago. Edited 2 years ago.
 Ulrich John
Ulrich John club
Schön gezeigt, Füsun ! HBM und einen guten Wochenstart !
2 years ago.
 Nick Weall
Nick Weall club
The cat looks very comfortable dear GGR ~ Have a good week ~~~ Best wishes ~~~~ Nick
2 years ago.
Adele club
A lovely sculpture and a cute cat!
A very nice picture, Füsun!
HBM and a great new week
2 years ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
Lovely 'couple'; well seen and captured.
2 years ago.
 Sarah O'
Sarah O' club
What a nice shot , Fusun, LOVE the pretty cat enjoying his perch on the statue... well taken...
Hope you are well Fusun, stay well and safe, taking care of yourself..
My Best wishes to you Sarah
2 years ago.
cp_u club
How nice!
2 years ago.
 Rosalyn Hilborne
Rosalyn Hilborne
Lovely statue and the cat is so sweet!
A belated HBM Fusun!

Best wishes, Rosa.
2 years ago.
 David G Johnson
David G Johnson club
Ha' ha'... the 'puddy cat' just adds to the photo'..... // Dj.
2 years ago.

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