HFF! Water Tower photo exhibition.

Central Spain

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Orchid (Anacamptis picta). Spring revisited no 6.…

02 Jun 2013 92 110 2127
These are profuse here between April and June, as are others including a Snake's Tongue variety. Well, early June is still spring in the Sierra. Anacamptis picta, is the name of this variety. I have Ronald Losure to thank for this information. He has included more information and photos in a useful link alongside his comment below. Shot taken 2013 and first posted on ipernity 2016.

Winter. Algete, Madrid. Many thanks to the IMA tea…

09 Jan 2021 38 47 333
Just outside the house. I have a couple more but that's it. Couldn't venture too far as it was either too deep or too icy and I can't risk a slip and a fall. By the time I could get out, it had changed to a dirty slush, so to all those who assumed I would have a bank of snow pictures, I'm very sorry!

Spring revisited no 5. Poppy field, Algete

22 May 2015 62 86 1234
Algete, Madrid province, poppy field. May 2015. Upload feature now up and running again so this may be the last of my 'spring revisited' series for the time-being. (Or maybe not! Time will tell!).

Spring revisited no 4. Catkins, Valdemorillo, Mad…

11 Mar 2013 61 91 1284
aNNa Schramm solved the puzzle as to what tree these catkins come from. They are the male catkins of the Populus Tremula (Lt), European Aspen (Eng), Zitterpappel (Gm), Peuplier tremble (Fr) or Alamo (Sp). Thank you aNNa! Taken March 2013, first posted on ipernity 2016. Valdemorillo, Madrid Province.

Wildflowers. Spring revisited no 3.

26 May 2012 67 77 1004
Spring 2012 in the Sierra de La Cabrera, Madrid province.

Spring revisited no 2. Cantueso, Sierra de La Cabr…

21 May 2011 37 46 694
May is a magic month in the Sierra. Cantueso is the wild lavender variety found in the southern Iberian peninsula. Sierra de La Cabrera. Shot in May 2011 and first posted in ipernity in 2016.

H. A. N. W. E. everyone! Spring re-visited no 1. L…

28 May 2011 53 58 1149
Please enlarge to see the granite detail. It's not perfect but this is definitely a favourite of mine. Photo from 2011.

A really hot day in the Sierra de La Cabrera

15 Jun 2012 50 57 586
A scorching day - the one where I forgot my sun cream and had ears like pork scratchings (the Spanish would better understand 'toreznos') at the end of it! It also persuaded me that a hat was essential! Taken in 2012 and first posted in ipernity in 2018. Perhaps better on full screen.

Mountain goat family, Sierra de La Cabrera below C…

25 May 2019 39 28 491
I know I've posted this before but I fell upon it by chance again and thought it worth another airing! I would ordinarily have gone straight ahead at this point, over the foreground granite slab but I thought better of it. Later, as I looked back at the goats, I saw a nanny goat suckling its kid, not something I could see from here. Unfortunately no photo was possible as it was in direct line with the sun! This video is worth a look!!!! www.youtube.com/watch?v=RG9TMn1FJzc

Sierra de La Cabrera

19 Aug 2015 52 56 689
From the ridge looking down onto the town of La Cabrera. Granite scenery. I waited ages to get some vultures in view but not that day, alas! I had to move on as eventually I had to catch my bus back to Madrid! Taken august 2015, first posted on ipernity 2017.

HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!

08 Apr 2012 64 74 1233
Rock window (perhaps hopefully onto a brighter future for us all?). The way I took (not a path at all really) went under this rock. Very common to have a giant boulder wedged over a gully in granite country! Granite forms on Pena del Tejo, a little to one side of La Sierra de La Cabrera proper but terrific scrambling territory in its own right. Indeed I spent a whole day here, intending to move on to the main ridge but finding a day's worth of interest at this place, including the mountain stream close-ups I sometimes post. photo taken 2012 and first posted on ipernity in 2017.

Still in love after all these millennia!

15 Apr 2012 42 51 1153
More granite shapes. La Sierra de La Cabrera. Shot taken in 2012 and first posted here in 2017. ***HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL MY IPERNITY FRIENDS. FINGERS CROSSED FOR IMPROVEMENTS IN ALL THINGS!!!***

Sierra de La Cabrera, El Cancho Largo.

08 Jan 2012 44 31 876
Pure granite scenery. Only 25 miles from Madrid. Superb walking country. Firste posted on ipernity in 2016 and taken in Janury 2012.

Rio Manzanares walkway, Madrid. HFF!!!

08 Oct 2012 56 72 1136
An oldie, from 2012, first shown on ipernity in 2016. I didn't see it as HFF potential then but do now, seeing as I didn't have many fence shots early on!


20 Dec 2013 72 142 2272
Plaza Chueca, Madrid. Christmas lights in the rain. First shown in 2016 on ipernity from a shot taken in 2013. I can't upload my new 2020 Christmas shot so a blast from the past will have to suffice!

Vulture flight school ('Keep up at the back!')

09 May 2014 50 72 1537
***'Watch the Master and learn!'*** Griffon Vultures, Cancho de La Bola, Sierra de La Cabrera. Granite. Madrid Province This one again (first shown on ipernity in 2016), simply because it is a favourite of mine.

Cistus or jara

02 Jun 2015 49 27 747
Sometimes called rock rose in English and quite appropriate here in granite country! Also called gum cistus (yes, it's sticky to the touch). First aired in 2015.

Dawn, Hortaleza, Madrid

03 Jan 2013 51 58 1009
From my balcony one morning in 2013.

1838 items in total