Príncipe Pío Station, Madrid

Transport, Madrid stations and miscelleny

HFF!!!!!! Puente de la Reina Victoria and teleferi…

HFF!!!! ... OK, I'm stretching it a little bit! :o…

21 Oct 2011 32 39 707
Príncipe Pío metro and mainline railway station, Madrid

Madrid metro station, ceramic wall mural

25 May 2012 14 21 431
Again, Google stole my notes on this old Pano shot and I initially forgot which metro station this belongs to. My friend Campayo came to the rescue and reminded me that it is Pueblo Nuevo metro station! However I have lost my notes regarding the artist. Gato Land please help! I know you knew the artist!

Metro station, Madrid - ceramic wall mural

29 Sep 2012 14 16 424
Again, Google stole my notes on this old Pano shot and I initially forgot which metro station this belongs to. My friend Campayo came to the rescue and reminded me that it is Pueblo Nuevo metro station! However I have lost my notes regarding the artist. Gato Land please help! I know you knew the artist!

Hospital Infanta Sofia metro station

14 Jun 2013 19 21 549
Escalators at the metro station. June 2013

Mar de Cristal metro station, Hortaleza, Madrid

05 Mar 2012 11 15 549
March 2012. A bit of fun.

Cabezuela del Valle, 1982.

22 Apr 1982 17 24 668
Valle de La Jerte, Cacares province. In 1983, my sister married her husband (from this town) in the church here!

Chamberi Metro Station. De-commissioned in May 196…

16 Mar 2014 27 30 755
A well-preserved metro station, one of the first built in Madrid (1919) on Linea 1 and de-commissioned in 1966 as it was on a bend and the new longer trains couldn't handle that. Now a museum with free entry, so full marks to those responsible! The museum opened in 2008 but closed soon after as part of economy saving efforts in the recession. It re-opened in 2013. Gal was a well known cosmetics company with it's headquarters and factory in this Madrid district of Chamberi.

Penzance Harbour.

02 Aug 2012 21 23 491
Penzance, Cornwall, August 2012. St Michael's Mount in the distance.

Teleferico, Casa de Campo, Madrid. My last Panoram…

13 Jun 2016 4 8 560
Taken in June 2016, regardless of what the incorrect date on my camera states!

Two birds, four towers

14 Dec 2013 5 7 544
The Four Towers from Chamartin Station, Madrid

Cuatro Caminos, Madrid

28 Sep 2015 17 27 666
September 2015. Storm threatening.

Villaverde Bajo mainline railway station

27 Aug 2015 8 9 497
August 2015. Everyone except me on holiday. Empty platform

Parque de Bomberos No 1 (for Campayo)

16 Sep 2016 19 36 628
I know I only uploaded this 3 weeks ago on Pano but I was prompted to show this again here when I saw Campayo's great shot of the escudo (escutcheon).

El Puente de Los Franceses, Madrid

19 Oct 2012 23 30 677
A fine and famous bridge over the Rio Manzanares. Photo taken in November 2012, despite my camera giving the wrong date and impossible to correct!

Chamartin Station and the Four Towers, Madrid

Mountain stream. Sierra de La Cabrera

01 May 2012 73 81 787
A storm overnight and the almost dry stream-bed comes to life. Rosemary bush in flower in the foreground. The tower was a mystery to me when I first saw it in 2010 and is still a mystery. I can't get any info (certainly not much sense!) out of the older guys in the local bars, no matter how much Mahou I bribe them with!! I will have to try whisky next time! I later learnt it was an air shaft for the railway line that ran below the mountains here. The line closed in 2012. I recall seeing the trains run here for a year beforehand. Now it is a popular, if spooky, walk through the tunnell (5 km). First posted n 2017.

HFF! (Yes there is one!)

30 Dec 2014 52 59 313
The new(ish - 2014) metro station Paco de Lucía, named in honour of the great flamenco guitarist. I posted this on Pano but not here - I think not anyway. The artists are Okuda San Miguel and Rosh333. I have posted a music link below. Entre Dos Aguas, a very famous song, at least in Spain. There is a frame in the vid that is the template for Paco's portrait here. Worth a listen;

182 items in total