More splendid granite walking country.

Sierra de La Cabrera

Madrid in the distance, seen from El Cancho de La…

13 Oct 2012 44 36 354
Sierra de La Cabrera. The Four Towers, Madrid can be seen as a stub on the horizon. (and because I taught at the top of all of them, I also recognise La Torre Europa and La Tore Picasso in this shot).

Hanging rock. Sierra de La Cabrera.

24 Mar 2012 43 28 351
Seeing as we will be off-line tomorrow at some point, and for between 24 and 48 hours, I wonder if this large boulder will have tumbled inbetween times? :o) Well ... rock. - Rock and roll, this rock about to roll off ... or maybe not. But the origin of true rock and roll with Little Richard, respect and R.I.P. I think I have to wait another hour or so as I forgot I posted another to the group last night too!

Asphodel in the wild.

20 May 2012 47 32 345
Bustarviejo Valley, La Sierra de La Cabrera. They seem to like poor but free-draining soil near a bit of boggy ground (snow melt perhaps)

Climbers on Pico de La Miel

25 Feb 2012 37 15 274
Sierra de La Cabrera. Granite country.

Rosehips and granite

19 Aug 2015 34 23 300
An August shot, judging by the haws. I don't remember how hot it was but it would have been H.O.T.!

Wild lupin

25 May 2013 47 33 392
I know I posted another one recently and this same one a few months ago, but I missed them this year so here it is again! (I didn't think you´d mind!)

Rock window, Sierra de La Cabrera

25 May 2019 54 40 378
Granite rock window. Overlooking the Valley of Bustarviejo. This was taken on 25 May, last year. I haven't walked anywhere in the Sierra since. Please take my word for it; this is a true rock window - I just couldn't quite get all four walls in the shot. I see photos from this Sierra on various sites but never this view. Why? Because to get here you need to scramble and to take (calculated) risks. It's never clear that you will get to a panoramic view or a rock window until it suddenly appears! Plus, there are no restaurants anywhere near so a Spaniard wouldn't even consider a walk here. 'Sandwiches!!!!!!- Are you kidding??'

More granite

15 May 2018 31 26 303
La Sierra de La Cabrera. My favourite Mushroom Rock can be seen from here but only the cap; the stalk is hidden. Can you see it? Clue: it's on the horizon.

H. A. N. W. E., everyone! Near Las Navas de Buitra…

01 May 2011 38 24 303
La Sierra de La Cabrera from the north. Granite country. I had a car for a few months when I first moved to Spain. I took this shot from a few miles north of the Sierra. I haven't been here since. All my Sierra de La Cabrera shots after 2011 are from the Sierra itself or from the south. Fecund lichens here! (Can lichens be fecund? I'm not sure).

La Sierra de La Cabrera

15 May 2011 31 24 337
Monasterio Convento de San Julian y San Antionio below its granite backdrop of Las Canchos Largo, Gordo y de La Bola.

Sierra de La Cabrera, below the ridge. H. A. N. W.…

21 Jan 2012 33 22 328
Up above is Cancho de La Bola and that guano stained rock beloved of Griffon vultures. A freezing cold January day! Fred might be astonished but I know for a fact that I've not posted this one before; neither on ip nor on Pano!

Late spring in the Sierra. I seem to have my compu…

15 Jun 2012 39 54 352
Granite, cistus and wild rose. It's mid June but still late spring in the mountains.


25 May 2019 45 30 401
Spring last year in the Sierra. Sorry, I've not been active. My laptop hard drive died and I have to rely for everything, including giving classes, on my phone. I don't find using a phone keyboard all that easy and I can't edit easily, if at all. So I will visit infrequently. I hope you all stay very, very safe. Bye for now, Andy

'What do you think, dear, about those poor souls f…

25 Feb 2012 36 26 404
Sierra de La Cabrera - rock window with El Cancho Gordo seen through it.

Granite and vulture territory - Cancho de La Bola

15 Jun 2012 26 20 468
Sierra de La Cabrera on a very hot day. The Griffon vultures' favourite home is that guano stained boulder top centre.

Sierra de La Cabrera

11 Feb 2012 28 15 396
By the side of the Convento Monasterio de San Julian y San Antonio (and one-time Goya family home) and at the start of one of many possible paths to the summit of Cancho Gordo. Taken on a bitterly cold February day.

Sierra de La Cabrera - granite and lichen.

30 Sep 2012 35 21 385
From the summit of Cancho Gordo with Cancho Largo (the highest point in the Sierra) on the right, overlooking the Bustarviejo valley.

Sierra de La Cabrera, Puerto del Medio Celemin

14 Feb 2013 36 28 394
Lots of granite and a little, defiant, pine tree.

187 items in total