Orchid (Anacamptis picta). Spring revisited no 6. La Sierra de La Cabrera

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Happy Shetland pony - South West Peninsula Coast P…

01 Aug 2012 65 76 987
Treaga Hill, Portreath, Cornwall. Only now noticed that this could equally have been my HFF shot! So I thought; OK why not! Two HFF best wishes to my ipernity friends this week!

inaccessible beach, Porthtowan, Cornwall

12 Aug 2012 58 62 965
Well, I suppose it IS accessible, but only by boat!

La Cabrera granite. PLEASE STAY, DON'T RUN AWAY!!!

19 Aug 2015 32 39 998
A hot August day, but cooler than the streets of Madrid below! Fabulous walking and scrambling country!

Colmenar de Oreja, Plaza Mayor.

25 Apr 2016 44 42 1079
Sorry about this HFF shot two days early but my plans are too fluid to know whether I'll be on-line on Friday or not! This was taken on April 25, 2016 as the town was preparing for it's bull feria..

HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!

08 Apr 2012 64 74 1228
Rock window (perhaps hopefully onto a brighter future for us all?). The way I took (not a path at all really) went under this rock. Very common to have a giant boulder wedged over a gully in granite country! Granite forms on Pena del Tejo, a little to one side of La Sierra de La Cabrera proper but terrific scrambling territory in its own right. Indeed I spent a whole day here, intending to move on to the main ridge but finding a day's worth of interest at this place, including the mountain stream close-ups I sometimes post. photo taken 2012 and first posted on ipernity in 2017.

Porthcadjack, Cornwall

04 Aug 2012 63 78 1077
Very low tide. Looking between Asparagus and Samphire Islands over to one of the Crane Islands.

Cornish coastal colours, St Agnes' Head,

24 Jul 2012 46 51 1138
Granite, lichen and rock samphire

Autumn in La Sierra de La Cabrera

03 Nov 2012 58 52 1177
View across to El Pico de La Miel, past the Convento Monasterio de San Julian y San Antonio.

HFF! Portreath Inner Harbour

23 Jul 2011 44 55 1107
Portreath, Cornwall. Photo taken in July 2011. Exif says November 2011. I was in Spain in 11/2011. I am always puzzled by this sort of thing! Last chance to save this site. www.generosity.com/community-fundraising/ipernity-members-association-a-non-profit-entity/x/16256307


02 Jun 2013 64 65 1129
From a former flat in Hortaleza, Madrid. This hasn't been posted before. There were 2 or 3 posted on Pano and one here from the same sunrise, but all at different stages.

Greenbank Cove to Crane Islands

30 Aug 2011 57 50 1037
Cornwall Coast at North Cliffs. For Pam. 2nd posting - under the new disposition. A shot from 2011, originally posted 2016. H. A. N. W. E. everyone!

Porthcadjack, high tide.

31 Jul 2015 55 57 1181
These are Samphire and Asparagus Islands. I have never been sure which is which. I asked a local fisherman who had lived in Portreath all his life and he had no idea what I was talking about. He didn't know they had names! The unsentimentality of practical local people! Mid distance, Crane Islands and North Cliffs, Far distance, Godrevy lighthouse and Reskajeage. I used to enjoy walking between Portreath (a mile behind me) and Godrevy. 5 hours including a walk into Hayle to get the bus back, or 7 hours if I did half the walk at low tide, rock-hopping along the shoreline!

St Agnes Beacon, Heather and Gorse

08 Aug 2011 57 69 1007
Another re-post, this time one more shot from 2011. View towards the expansive beach at Perranporth (in the far distance!). A fire in July 2017 sadly destroyed the vegetation on The Beacon. But it will recover in a few years.

I call this rock 'The Chef's Hat'

14 Jan 2012 53 72 1078
Sierra de La Cabrera. Granite. Winter scenery but no snow that year. 'Z' please! Alternative title: Toque Rock!!!!

I say hello to this horse every time I pass this w…

10 Apr 2017 35 53 1005
I have walked this stretch of the Roman road many times these past 5 years and I always stop and give an apple to my friend here. My girlfriend brings a few carrots (although she wasn't present on this occasion). Horsey accepted the apple graciously enough but turned away as soon as he realised carrots weren't forthcoming!

La Sierra de La Cabrera, granite territory.

19 Aug 2015 70 82 1082
On the top of the ridge near the vultures' hang-out. First shown in 2017.

Ralph's Cupboard.

14 Aug 2014 32 43 1041
Coastal Erosion at Ralph's Cupboard, Portreath, Cornwall. Not the cleverest place to stand and take a shot, I grant you! Not much time left: www.generosity.com/community-fundraising/ipernity-members-association-a-non-profit-entity/x/16256307

The greatest fence I ever did see!

25 Apr 2017 46 65 1000
HFF everybody and I hope the uploading problems are fixed very soon! Also H.A.N.W.E.!

257 items in total