Andy Rodker's photos

Treen Farm, Gurnard's Head, Zennor

09 Jul 2012 21 28 744
Foxgloves seem to love granite. They follow me wherever I go!

St Agnes Head

01 Aug 2017 15 12 549
Looking towards Man and His Man. Rock samphire in the foreground.

Pure granite expression

05 May 2013 37 31 685
El Cancho Largo seen from Las Agujas de El Cancho Gordo.

Pleasing cloud formation

22 Sep 2012 29 28 595
Sunset reflected nicely in these clouds. Taken from my flat in Hortaleza, Madrid in 2012.

Typical path in granite country

11 May 2013 17 14 436
La Sierra de La Cabrera. Boulders get wedged above paths such as here.

From Basset Cove to Porthcadjack

04 Aug 2012 39 33 710
Continual erosion here. I came back in 2014 and this piece of coastline in the immediate foreground, and where I was standing for this shot, had gone!

Porthcadjack, Cornwall

01 Aug 2012 19 21 572
The morning of August 1 was almost wintry. By mid afternoon it was a glorious summer's day. This shot was taken just as the weather was about to turn for the better.


01 Aug 2012 13 10 464
Asparagus, Samphire and Crane Islands from Carvannel Downs. Evidence of rapid coastal erosion is clear here. The slippages due to the angle of the rock strata are obvious. I was perhaps a little bit stupid to even be here!

H. A. N. W. E. (Sorry. Very late but just got inte…

12 Apr 2013 44 46 947
The Sentinel! Griffon vulture. La Sierra de La Cabrera with El Pico de La Miel prominent.

For my friend micritter.

03 Mar 2012 18 21 705
The ridge of La Sierra de La Cabrera. Best on black and full screen.

An extremely belated HFF! (but then I've been with…

22 Oct 2017 19 25 558
Algete, looking over to La Sierra de La Cabrera. Because everyone lives in high-rise flats, Madrid occupies a relatively limited ground area and the countryside starts very soon after leaving the City. This is 20 miles from the city centre. Impossible to compare with other main capitals! Madrilenos enjoy the vibrancy of living cheek by jowl! But they also like to escape to the country at weekends (which means a short walk of 20 minutes followed by a blow out feast of suckling pig or milk-reared lamb and mucho vino tinto).

Autumn in La Sierra de La Cabrera

03 Nov 2012 58 52 1133
View across to El Pico de La Miel, past the Convento Monasterio de San Julian y San Antonio.

Sierra de La Cabrera

13 Oct 2012 21 22 742
My girlfriend burst out laughing when she saw this!

Nokia N95 R.I.P. (From Godrevy Point to St Agnes H…

09 Aug 2012 51 54 998
The very last photo I uploaded from my much-lamented Nokia N95 camera-phone (a much better camera than a phone, I would say!). The next day I dropped it in a piece of marshy ground and it was past recovering even though I tried to dry it out in a bag of rice, as recommended by all and sundry! The lichen on the rock really is this bright!

Bosigran Head, granite.

20 Jul 2012 35 25 994
Cornish cliff granite can be as fun as the granite I find in La Sierra de Guadarrama, Central Spain, for scrambling around in!

North Cliffs, above Porthcadjack on the way to Bas…

22 Jul 2012 26 23 866
South West Peninsula Coast Path, typical summer flora. Crane Island in mid distance, Godrevy and St Ives in far distance.

Spanish lavender

29 May 2011 28 28 703
La Sierra de La Cabrera - Springtime shot.

La Sierra de La Cabrera.

01 May 2011 17 14 586
Shot taken from the north, near Las Navas de Buitrago, about 5 miles from the ridge of La Cabrera seen here in its entirity with Pico de La Miel at the left and El Cancho Largo (the highest point) at the right. Granite boulders in the foreground.

3607 items in total