Andy Rodker

Andy Rodker deceased

Posted: 06 May 2023

Taken: 09 Jan 2020

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Another HFF and in the nick of time!

Another HFF and in the nick of time!
Uploaded at 23:59!!! Here it is at the very last second on Friday!
It's a name I always forget but some luminaries are buried here. I'll add the appropriate info in a day or so; tomorrow I return to Madrid.
Here we are, 3 days later: Panteon des Hombres Illustres. (Near Atocha).
Jan 2020. Different times. We hadn't really heard of Covid 19 back then although now it's known that the laboratory leakage had already occured at the Wuhan institute back in August 2019 (and apparently another strain also leaked from there a few weeks later - and nothing whatsoever to do with a wet-fish market).

Marco F. Delminho, Fred Fouarge, Erhard Bernstein, John FitzGerald and 10 other people have particularly liked this photo

6 comments - The latest ones
 Madeleine Defawes
Madeleine Defawes club
Superbe bâtiment bien capté !
Bon dimanche. Amitiés
21 months ago.
Schussentäler club
a belated HFF
21 months ago.
 William Sutherland
William Sutherland club
Phenomenal shot! HFF! Stay well!

Admired in:
21 months ago.
 Andy Rodker
Andy Rodker club
Very many thanks!
21 months ago.
 Jenny McIntyre
Jenny McIntyre club
I'd heard that COVID was the result of a leakage at a chemical/medical plant. Although the wet animal market can't have helped much. This is a great looking building, it looks part mosque, and part church. Brilliant.
21 months ago.
Andy Rodker club has replied to Jenny McIntyre club
Thank you, Jenny! I DO know its name but can't now bring it to mind but as soon as I'm more settled i'll provide the detail. It's actually somewhere on ipernity as I've posted two or three of it before but not this shot i think.
21 months ago.

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