Mirror Image


Exactly what the name implies.

Mirror Image

13 Jun 2017 1 2 988
“For I do not exist: there exist but the thousands of mirrors that reflect me. With every acquaintance I make, the population of phantoms resembling me increases. Somewhere they live, somewhere they multiply. I alone do not exist.” ― Vladimir Nabokov

My friend Olaf

15 Jun 2017 5 6 1312
“I don't suppose you have many friends. Neither do I. I don't trust people who say they have a lot of friends. It's a sure sign that they don't really know anyone.” ― Carlos Ruiz Zafón

la vie commence / life starts / la vida empieza

17 Jun 2017 2 4 831
La vie commence à cinquante ans, c'est vrai; à ceci près qu'elle se termine à quarante. ― Michel Houellebecq Life begins at fifty, that’s true, inasmuch as it ends at forty. La vida empieza a los cincuenta años, es cierto; con la salvedad de que termina a los cuarenta. Late night ruminations after a long writing session.

Baseball Fans

30 Jun 2017 1 623
“Baseball is like church. Many attend, few understand.” ― Leo Durocher Baseball fans at a minor league baseball game in southern Oregon.


27 Jul 2017 15 8 1443
“That man, especially when he slept, when his features were motionless, showed me my own face, my mask...” ― Vladimir Nabokov “We are all born mad. Some remain so.” ― Samuel Beckett Taking a photo of a reflection of a photo of the photographer.

Mirror image

28 Jul 2017 4 3 922
“Every man carries with him through life a mirror, as unique and impossible to get rid of as his shadow.” ― W.H. Auden The photographer reflected in a mirror which is reflecting the mirror image of himself in his camera's screen.

Masked girl / Chica enmascarada

31 Jul 2017 4 1 1003
“Don't you know that a midnight hour comes when everyone has to take off his mask? Do you think life always lets itself be trifled with? Do you think you can sneak off a little before midnight to escape this?” ― Søren Kierkegaard A visiting friend, wearing her "Wolverine" hoodie.

My brother Squared

19 Jul 2017 2 1 763
“He keeps getting older while I'm not paying attention.” ― Maggie Stiefvater An iPhone photo of my eldest brother Lito, along with an Instax instant photos of him, in the same frame = brother x brothe = brother squared

Family photos

19 Jul 2017 2 1 834
“I have learned that to be with those I like is enough” ― Walt Whitman An iPhone photo of an Instax instant photo of my older brother Rick, and another, older photo, of our mother.

Mi hermano Rick 2 veces / 2 views of my brother Ri…

22 Jul 2017 2 677
“In perpetuum, frater, ave atque vale. (Forever and ever, brother, hail and farewell.)” ― Catullus An iPhone photograph of my older brother Rick, covering his face to duplicate what he was doing in the tiny Instax instant photo which I had taken of him, earlier.

My friend Bob

21 Jul 2017 6 1064
“When you're in jail, a good friend will be trying to bail you out. A best friend will be in the cell next to you saying, 'Damn, that was fun'.” ― Groucho Marx My friend Bob Thomas, hangin' at the local coffee shop in Talent, Oregon.

Big Girl chair

03 Aug 2017 9 3 1080
“Chairs are useful” ― Stephen Moffat Opal sitting in her Big Girl chair at the table.


31 Jul 2017 5 3 1110
"We will have rings and things and fine array." (William Shakespeare) My friend D.H. showing me his rings.

Reynolds Woodcock Hair

19 Feb 2018 9 8 1323
“Some of the worst mistakes in my life were haircuts” ― Jim Morrison "What game? What precisely is the nature of my game?" ― Reynolds Woodcock (from the movie "Phantom Thread") My friend Chase Danielle who is a brilliant barber gave me a shortish haircut; but now that it is growing out, it's starting to look a little like Reynolds Woodcock's, in the movie 'Phantom Thread'. Which is not a bad thing.