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109 visits

A dark place

A dark place
Shock, anger, fear, depression.

Feel free to comment about the "situation." I might not have much heart or brain space to respond very much.

Heidiho, Amelia, Smiley Derleth, aNNa schramm and 7 other people have particularly liked this photo

12 comments - The latest ones
 Nicolas Mertens
Nicolas Mertens club
I'm trying to put my head in the sand but it is not working :(
2 months ago.
Diane Putnam club has replied to Nicolas Mertens club
I know what you mean! Like has changed dramatically and half the population does not trust the mentally ill president. His minions are even more vicious.
2 months ago.
Annemarie club
a beautiful image
2 months ago.
Diane Putnam club has replied to Annemarie club
Thank you so much, Annemarie.
2 months ago.
 Keith Burton
Keith Burton club
This is a lovely collage of low life images Diane.........all beautifully taken (and perfectly exposed).

I can't believe how so many people voted for him.............but I suppose you have to follow the "will of the people" in a democracy.........assuming the USA remains one :-(
2 months ago.
Leon_Vienna club
In darkness the stars do shine brighter ... more I cannot give for comford.
If it'll work for four years in politics, I don't know.
Your images are most beautiful btw.
2 months ago.
Rrrolf club
"Shock, anger, fear, depression": These are also the feelings of many people around the world, Diane!
2 months ago.
 William Sutherland
William Sutherland club
Outstanding collage!
2 months ago.
 Steve Nordby
Steve Nordby club
A situation where the people of a country that brags about winning a world war against fascism choose a fascist for President . . . I would choose a different timeline.
2 months ago.
 Jean Paul Capdeville
Jean Paul Capdeville club
Quand j'ai vu les résultats, Diane j'ai pris une énorme gifle puis j'ai pensé à toi. En France, nous avons été beaucoup trompé par les mèdias. Nous pensions que kamala Harris allait l'emporter. Les médias insistaient sur un résultat qui allait être trés resseré , qu'il faudrait recompter pendant plusieurs jours.Les dernieres infos que j'avais me rendaient trés inquiet mais jamais je n'aurais imaginé un tel résultat. Notre monde va bien mal.Ces jours derniers je suis allé en forêt chercher des champignons. Là, je me trouve bien. Ces jours ci les oies sauvages passent annonçant l'hivers. Le cycle de la vie continue. Elles n'ont que faire de notre bétise humaine, elles n'ont pas besoin de l'Intelligence artificielle pour trouver leur chemin. Ne te laisse pas dominer par le chagrin Demain sera un autre jour.. trés amicalement. Jean Paul
2 months ago.
polytropos club
If you are referring the four words to the election of the new president, I can only think the same.
What happened in the USA when people prefer a convicted criminal to an intelligent woman?
2 months ago.
Amelia club
The night photos are lovely, but the prospect of your next president, fortified by the wealth of 'Kekius Maximus', doesn't bear thinking about. The whole world needs to feel afraid.
4 weeks ago.

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