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I could not believe my eyes.
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13 comments - The latest ones
Léopold club
You add an egg on the top and enjoy !
5 years ago.
Diane Putnam club has replied to Léopold club
These will sell very fast because they are funny and kind of disgusting. Imagine - chicken flavored cereal! ;-o
5 years ago.
 Keith Burton
Keith Burton club
A nice image.................but both varieties sound absolutely gross!
5 years ago. Edited 5 years ago.
Diane Putnam club has replied to Keith Burton club
Don't they? A novelty item, only. No eating!
5 years ago.
 Sylvain Wiart
Sylvain Wiart
perhaps for cats !
5 years ago.
Diane Putnam club has replied to Sylvain Wiart
Good idea! And, I'll send the maple one to Canada. ;-b
5 years ago.
GrahamH club
I'm feeling ill... Are these sold at the gross er shop? :-)
5 years ago. Edited 5 years ago.
Diane Putnam club has replied to GrahamH club
Gross, exactly! I wouldn't mind tasting them once, but would never buy a box! Thank you, Graham.
5 years ago.
I'm not surprised that they're both "limited editions"....I don't think they'll be very popular :-)
5 years ago.
Diane Putnam club has replied to Phil
Especially the chicken/waffle one. Ew! Chicken cereal!
5 years ago.
 Don Barrett (aka DBs travels)
Don Barrett (aka DBs…
Frightening that Post would think of it...
5 years ago.
Diane Putnam club has replied to Don Barrett (aka DBs…
It looked like a desperate measure to gain shelf space, to me. Kellogg, 90% space; Post, 5%; other, 5%. The American cereal aisle, 8th wonder of the world.
5 years ago.
 Andy Rodker
Andy Rodker club
I think I last had cereal 43 years ago before I left home and it's something that would never enter my head to buy. These, however, look more interesting!

(...only kidding)
5 years ago.

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