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Andy Rodker, Smiley Derleth, Dutt Changgle, Pam J and 3 other people have particularly liked this photo

10 comments - The latest ones
 Edward Bowthorpe
Edward Bowthorpe
Lovely photograph Diane,eddie,
7 years ago.
Diane Putnam club has replied to Edward Bowthorpe
Thank you, Eddie!
7 years ago.
 Pam J
Pam J club
Needed water !
7 years ago.
Diane Putnam club has replied to Pam J club
He was actually standing there trying to judge whether he could jump the ditch full of water - lol!
7 years ago.
raingirl club
those be some tall reeds! love the high contrast and angles here. very cool.

enjoyed in 'naturey crap - crappy nature'
7 years ago.
Diane Putnam club has replied to raingirl club
The grass in front is an overlay, it wasn't really so tall. Anyway, thanks so much, raingirl!
7 years ago.
 Andy Rodker
Andy Rodker club
I like this.
Please Diane and Laura - explain what you mean by 'naturey crap - crappy nature'. I fear something is lost in the translation. Does crap mean in American English what it means in British English I wonder?!
7 years ago.
 Diane Putnam
Diane Putnam club
There is the offensive meaning (sh_t) and the inoffensive meaning. I think those are the same as in the UK. As the group title, it's used inoffensively, as something ugly or worthless (it looks like crap) or, maybe only in the US, it can also be a crudely modest way to present a nice accomplishment ("here are some photos of naturey crap/stuff"). So, Laura's title means to post your good photos of nature OR your bad photos of nature.
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
Andy Rodker club has replied to Diane Putnam club
I THINK I get it, Diane but in British English I think I would be right in saying that we just wouldn't have the nerve to use it in this way. Don't be surprised to get zero response to this group from this side of the pond!!! Is this Laura's group? I'll send here a private message if she doesn't respond directly here!
Oh what joy it is to be worried by such trivialities!
7 years ago.
Diane Putnam club has replied to Andy Rodker club
Well, you do realize we're barbarians over here, right? Anyway, we are completely shocked by the common use over there, among those of the youthful persuasion, of the "c-word." (I don't remember if I told you about my faux pax with a British woman regarding a "shag haircut!" Oh, then there was the time I used the word "fanny," meaning derriere, to an Irish co-worker. He almost choked.)
7 years ago.

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