
Chrissy club

Posted: 18 Aug 2019

Taken: 16 Aug 2019

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1/120 f/1.8 4.2 mm ISO 50

Apple iPhone XS

iPhone XS back dual camera 4.25mm f/1.8

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TSC: vegetables

TSC: vegetables
Ich wünsche euch einen Sonntag mit guter Laune!
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HH-volker 2, Annalia S., John Bezosky Jr., Erhard Bernstein and 36 other people have particularly liked this photo

28 comments - The latest ones
 Dominique Sarrazin
Dominique Sarrazin club
Fantastique !!! ************************************************
5 years ago.
 Sami Serola (inactive)
Sami Serola (inactiv… club
Ha ha ha! =D

Funny pair!
5 years ago.
 Treasa Ui Cionaodha
Treasa Ui Cionaodha
Fantastic. Made me laugh. Well done Chrissy Regards Tess.
5 years ago.
Nautilus club
quelle invention !!! très drôle !
5 years ago.
Amelia club
This made me smile. Superb for the challenge. Technically a fruit, but so funny.
5 years ago. Edited 5 years ago.
Clickity Click has replied to Amelia club
Amelia, Kenny had a brief bit of information about the age old question ... fruit or veggie. :)
5 years ago.
Heide club
Herrlich !
Da kann ich nur schmunzeln ...
5 years ago.
Je vais regarder à 2 fois avant de manger des poivrons.
5 years ago.
 Gabi Lombardo
Gabi Lombardo club
danke, Chrissy, das wünsch ich dir auch! dein witziges Foto sorgt gut dafür ;-))
5 years ago.
Very clever and good photograph.
5 years ago.
 Clickity Click
Clickity Click
Not this has got to be my instant fave of the week, not only is it well done and oh so clever but it so amusing I am still laughing Chrissy!!! (I like the fact that these characters are missing some "teeth".

Danke für ein Lächeln heute Morgen!
5 years ago.
Chrissy club has replied to Clickity Click
5 years ago.
 Keith Burton
Keith Burton club
ha, ha................very clever..!!
5 years ago.
Fantastic! A recipe for you .................Now drizzle with oil, fill with chopped tomatoes and a couple of cLoves of chopped garlic and anchovies. The best starter! Serve with focaccia bread.
If you have this, I will be there,
5 years ago.
Chrissy club has replied to Jan
Thank you so much! I will try this!
5 years ago.
Jan has replied to Chrissy club
Are in the oven at 180 for about 45 mins. Just delicious
5 years ago.
 PhLB - Luc Boonen
PhLB - Luc Boonen club
very funny!
5 years ago.
 Wierd Folkersma
Wierd Folkersma club
well seen and funny too
5 years ago.
cammino club
Einfach schön und lustig :)
5 years ago.
J'adoooore ! trop bien ! belle idée.
5 years ago.
 Karen's Place
Karen's Place club
Oh, these are great, Chrissy! :D
5 years ago.
neira-Dan club
J'adore !!
5 years ago.
sehr lustig!
5 years ago.
Reyk club
Ideen muss man haben. :)
5 years ago.
Ha ha, great fun image
5 years ago.
passt wirklich in diese Gruppe....
5 years ago.
 Trudy Tuinstra
Trudy Tuinstra club
5 years ago.
Gudrun club
Klasse! Paprika sind für mich Grundnahrungsmittel, wie Tomaten;-)
5 years ago.

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