
Typo93 club

Posted: 16 Jun 2023

Taken: 16 Jun 2023

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1/1000 f/8.0 150.0 mm ISO 200

Panasonic DMC-GX80

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Je recherche un bon insecticide !

Je recherche un bon insecticide !
Tous les deux ans, de gros insectes faisant beaucoup de bruit viennent voler
au-dessus de chez moi. C'est pénible...

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Marco F. Delminho, Annaig56, Keith Burton, Fred Fouarge and 4 other people have particularly liked this photo

9 comments - The latest ones
 Julien Rappaport
Julien Rappaport club
Mon conseil du jour , achète-toi un lance pierre !!!
19 months ago.
Typo93 club has replied to Julien Rappaport club
Ces bestioles sont plus rapides que les pierres et c'est bien dommage car notre armée pourrait s'équiper à moindre frais !
19 months ago.
 Keith Burton
Keith Burton club
Ha, ha.............well seen and taken Typo.............judging by the last image, someone got it with the insecticide before you!!

Clever use of perspective!
19 months ago.
Typo93 club has replied to Keith Burton club
I hope he survived because there are people living below!

Here's a map of the area. Paris-Le Bourget airport, from which the planes depart, is to the north, Paris to the south. They make a loop passing over Saint-Denis and turn back without flying over Paris.
I live near the "Fort d'Aubervilliers" (6 km from the runways as the crow flies and 3.2 seconds as the plane flies).
19 months ago. Edited 19 months ago.
Keith Burton club has replied to Typo93 club
Thanks for the map Typo............fascinating stuff.
19 months ago.
Annaig56 club
ah moi je cherchais les mouches je suis envahie chez moi, bien vu typo
19 months ago.
Typo93 club has replied to Annaig56 club
Le salon de l'aviation chez moi, les mouches dans le salon chez toi !
19 months ago.
Nathalie club
19 months ago.
 Stefani Wehner
Stefani Wehner club
T'inquiète! Dans le Val d'Oise j'en profite aussi!
19 months ago.

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