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NOT The Sunday Challenge
Kitchen studio

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273 visits

Completely different!

Completely different!
➽ NOT The Sunday Challenge - Slogan

NOT the scottish war cry, NOT a motto, but those as in advertising

From my small collection of retro metal signs and cans

, Gudrun have particularly liked this photo

6 comments - The latest ones
Léopold club
C'est gommant de faire du ski aquatique !
8 years ago.
Dida From Augsburg club has replied to Léopold club
Many thanks, Léopold - also for the countless group invitations! :))
8 years ago.
Gudrun club
Das ist so schön retro:-)
8 years ago.
Dida From Augsburg club has replied to Gudrun club
Lieben Dank, Gudrun - die Retro-Dosen gab's mal vor zig Jahren, ich hab auch noch die "Spearmint-Version"! ;-D
8 years ago.
Esther club
"Fascinating artificial flavor?" Is that good marketing? A very cool ad.
8 years ago.
Dida From Augsburg club has replied to Esther club
hahaha - good question, Esther! Maybe in the 50s "artificial flavor" was fascinating! ;-DD
8 years ago.

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