Duck face
Alt trifft Neu - Old meets new
Das schiefste Hotel der Welt - Most crooked Hotel…
Einst ging ich am Strande der Donau entlang...
EUROPEAN STANDARD? - On 9 July 2015, the European…
Augsburger Kahnfahrt - Rent a boat
Scharlachroter Feuerkäfer - Cardinal beetle - Pyro…
☼ Summer Rain ☂
Maja & Lily
An der schönen blauen Donau - The Blue Danube
Hundstage - Dog Days
Michael Fischer
edding 800
Über'm Biergarten - Over the beer garden
Hundertwasser-Kuchlbauer-Turm, Abensberg
Under the dome
Friedensreich (◕‿-)
Teddy Bear meets Augsburg Fl✿wer
All shook up
Anyplace is Paradise
Take me to Church, oder - die spinnen, die Fotogra…
Another Day In Paradise
Car Wash
Gute Fahrt! - Good Ride!
Sauber! - Clean!
*♫♪♥ ✿ ♥♫♪*•SUMMER IN THE CITY•*♫♪♥✿ ♥♫♪* (see GIF…
Like Maize in the sunshine (◕‿-)
Focus on Pink (◕‿-)
The Middle
Vanity Fair
Pfauenauge - Peacock's eye
Bird of Paradise
Hardcore Guerilla Knitting, or - Give Peace A Chan…
Aus der Mottenkiste - Out of mothballs (◕‿-)
Yet found something URK-ing! (◕‿-)
King of wishful thinking (◕‿-)
Rostig - Rusty
Sub des Tages - Sub of the day (◕‿-)
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488 visits
Blau, bunt - oder, einer guckt immer! Blue, colorful - or, one always peeps! (◕‿-)
➽ Das mittelalterliche Fischerviertel in Ulm lockt mit seinen historischen Bauten, verwinkelten Gassen, steinernen und hölzernen Brücken, sowie gemütlichen Restaurants, zahlreiche Besucher an. Die Entwicklung des Fischerviertels ist durch die Lage an der Blau, einem Nebenfluss der Donau, begründet. Im Mittelalter tummelten sich in diesem Stadtviertel Handwerker, deren Tätigkeit im weitesten Sinne mit Wasser zu tun hatte. Zahlreiche Fischer, Müller, Gerber und Seifensieder boten den Kunden ihre handwerklichen Fähigkeiten an.
➽ The medieval fishing district in the city of Ulm attracts numerous visitors with its historic buildings, narrow streets, stone and wooden bridges and cozy restaurants. The development of the fishing district, is established by the location by the Blau (Blue), a tributary of the Danube. In the Middle Ages craftsmen cavorted in this district whose activities had in the broadest sense to do with water. Many fishermen, millers, tanners and soap makers offered here their craft skills to the customers.
➽ HFF and a great sunny weekend to all!
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➽ The medieval fishing district in the city of Ulm attracts numerous visitors with its historic buildings, narrow streets, stone and wooden bridges and cozy restaurants. The development of the fishing district, is established by the location by the Blau (Blue), a tributary of the Danube. In the Middle Ages craftsmen cavorted in this district whose activities had in the broadest sense to do with water. Many fishermen, millers, tanners and soap makers offered here their craft skills to the customers.
➽ HFF and a great sunny weekend to all!
Ulrich John, H.Frisco Rose, , and 22 other people have particularly liked this photo
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Dida From Augsburg club has replied to JuMuAn outstanding photo viewed in Street Live!
Dida From Augsburg club has replied to bonsai59 clubHFF Dida und schönes WE
Dida From Augsburg club has replied to LutzP clubLutzP club has replied to Dida From Augsburg
LG und HFF!
Many thanks to all for the kind comments and stars - makes me really happy! :))
Greetings and HFF!
... beim ersten Blick auf Titel+Bild erwartete ich, jemanden volltrunken im Wasser strampeln zu sehen ...
Wünsch Dir ein trockenes Wochenende ...
Dida From Augsburg club has replied to Heidiho clubDas mit dem trockenen WE wird wohl hier nix werden - regnet schon! :( Hoffe, bei euch ist's besser!
Heidiho club has replied to Dida From Augsburg clubDida From Augsburg club has replied to Heidiho clubHave a nice Weekend!
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