Man-made volcano

Tameside & Rochdale

30 Oct 2021

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Rainbow at Higher Swineshaw reservoir

Another chance here to see the exact same rainbow as I posted with a fence just a few days back. (see PiP) This time we see it with a wall instead of the wooden gated fence and unlike the other, this shows both ends too. Another two-photo stitch with unfortunately the left side being not as sharp as the right but I hope you will forgive me for posting it in despite of that. Again a few rain drops highlighted as noise near the bow itself from the bright light behind me. Enjoy full screen. Happy Wednesday Wall

21 Mar 2022

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172 visits

HBM - Portrait Bench Rochdale

An usual sight for us as we passed this bench alongside Rochdale Canal the other day. Described as: a wooden bench, behind which are laser-cut in steel, two-dimensional, life-size images of three important local figures: Dame Gracie Fields; Harriet Ellis (world champion windsurfer) and Lynne Coxell (headteacher of St Edward's CE Primary school). We had no idea what is was supposed to be presenting at the time as an advertised plaque of description was not there. I have seen many photos of our Gracie but my photo (dictated by the lighting conditions) does not show her at her best here. The rod in her hand, I now figure as a microphone on its stand. - I would say to other photographers: "go back and try again" ! Credit were credit is due though -to the artist and company that made this and full marks for bringing art into the countryside. HBM, enjoy the day.

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21 Sep 2020

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Rochdale canal: Warland Lower Lock 34

The scene looking south along the Rochadale canal at 'The Summit' near Littleborough. Another C19 Isolation walk for us, re-visiting this canal after our last visit in January. This time we are walking to and fro the stretch from ‘The Summit’ to ‘Walsden’. As can be seen, this is a popular canal for the colourful craft seen here, besides us walkers. Enjoy full screen

30 Mar 2021

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Rochdale Canal. Locks 41-42

Another walk along the trans-Pennine Rochdael Canal gives me a view of this flight of locks. As our lockdown is relaxed there are more people walking these paths now, especially in the unusual dry warm weather. This taken between Littleborough and Summit. See Pip for another set of locks near here. Enjoy full screen. ~ The Rochdale Canal runs for 33 miles between Manchester and Sowerby Bridge in West Yorkshire, UK. In Sowerby Bridge it connects with the Calder and Hebble Navigation. In Manchester it connects with the Ashton and Bridgewater Canals. The canal was opened in 1799 between Sowerby Bridge and Todmorden and from Manchester to Rochdale. A proposed 1.6 mile tunnel between Walsden and Sladen was replaced by more locks and a higher summit level at 600 feet. The resulting shorter summit level meant that many reservoirs were required to prevent the summit level drying up and to maintain an available supply of water for the 92 locks. The canal opened through to Manchester in 1804. This made it the first trans-Pennine canal route, as the Huddersfield Narrow canal, experiencing much difficulty in the Standedge Tunnel construction, did not open until 1811. The Leeds and Liverpool, with a much longer route, was not fully opened until 1816. The canal was re-opened to navigation along its entire length in July 2002 and forms part of the South Pennine Ring.

30 Mar 2021

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Geese and fences

Along the banks of the Rochdale canal are a few fields. These are surrounded by fences and we see some splendid examples here. The banks of the canal with its adjoining fields are also full of Canadian Geese which at this time of year are almost all paired up in readiness for breeding. As can be seen, frost is still with us at the moment. Enjoy full size and have a great week.

22 Nov 2021

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Peace on the canal.

A week or so back, whilst still in Autumn, we took ourselves of to Littleborough, a small town about nine miles away from my home, and took a nice round walk along the local canal there; the Rochdale Canal. We have strolled these towpaths before but they are no less enjoyable on this day with a little frost and sunshine. Enjoy full screen.

21 Mar 2022

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The Arrow mill in Castleton, Rochdale is a massive old cotton mill. Fortunately, it is one of the few mills that have not been demolished over the last 50 years and is indeed Grade II listed. It is situated on the banks of the Rochdale Canal from where I took this shot of its most impressive chimney. Of course I was taken by the trees sprouting out at this very high part of the structure. The mill no longer spins cotton helped along by its big steam engines with its 22ft diameter flywheel, as it did when it opened in 1908 but is now a storage depot, renting out space. More info: Worth looking at full screen.

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16 Aug 2023

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134 visits

Scout Tunnel

A look at the Mossley end of Scout Tunnel on the Huddersfield narrow Canal. At 615 feet long it can feel quite daunting to walk (or I dare say, cycle) through here especially without some kind of torchlight. A lot of narrowboats would have come through here in its heyday but now they are a rare sight. The other end is in the small town of Stalybridge. It has recently had restoration work to stabilise the roof and towpath. The PiP shows the entrance on approach. Enjoy the weekend.
35 items in total