Herb Riddle's photos

Kintail from Loch Cluanie

11 May 2024 10 9 23
I am looking up, east and over the loch now to the mountain range of Kintail and Creag A Mhaim. A fabulous hiking and climbing area that I sadly never experienced here. See Pip for my earlier peep at these mountains. Enjoy full screen

HFF~ It’s a misty start to autumn

16 Sep 2024 27 42 57
Strinsdale reservoir is only about 4km from my home but it has many rewards. Besides the old small reservoir itself which is now a fishing lake there are several scenic pathways. This one follows a small stream down to the bottom of the valley. Have a good weekend.

Loch Cluanie

11 May 2024 22 20 47
We are at the south-east end of Glen Shiel now on the banks of Loch Cluanie looking west. As can be seen, quite a deserted place really. It is in fact a reservoir contained behind the Cluanie Dam which is part of the North of Scotland Hydro-Electricity Board’s Glenmoriston project. It is 36km long but quite shallow having only a maximum depth of 37 m and a mean depth of 15 m with a surface area of 1046 ha. Enjoy full screen

HWW ~ A Dales wall and window

28 Jul 2024 17 19 50
A walk in the Wharfe valley near the village of Hubberhome is certain to be heaven for any wall or barn collector. Enjoy this scene with me. HWW, enjoy the day.

Glen Shiel and Kintail

11 May 2024 16 17 62
As we head for Loch Cluanie we travel along this famous glen and see almost three of the five Sisters of Kintail. With ‘Sgurr Fhuaran’ being the pyramid type mountain backed by Beinn Bhuldhe with Sgurr nan Saighead to its right and Sgurr na Carnach to the left. They are all over 3000ft and so are classed as Munros. A very popular hiking and climbing area. Enjoy full screen

Loch Duich

11 May 2024 18 14 66
We have come to the head of Loch Duich at Invershiel with the village of Ratagan in the distance. From here we head east uphill towards Loch Cluanie following the River Shiel and River Cluanie. Part of the A87, on which we are traveling, was called The Old Military Road. Enjoy full screen

HFF~ Webbed fence

16 Sep 2024 28 37 63
An early (for me) walk on a cool sunny autumn morning with bits of mist, brings me back to one of my local reservoirs here at Strinesdale. At the edge of the water is a metallic tubular fence trying to stop the many duck feeding children from falling into the water. Here is my close-up of it. Have a good weekend.

Trio - The colours of the moon

19 Sep 2024 21 23 52
The moon on the left was taken today at 20:00, the middle moon at 20.45 and the right moon at 22:00 the night before. Enjoy full size

Eilean Donan castle in profile

11 May 2024 17 15 53
As we journey back home I took a last look at this castle, so here is another photo but this time a little closer. Taken from the eastern side. pip "One of Scotland's most iconic and most recognisable castles set in the majestic NW highlands. The island's original castle was built in the thirteenth century; it became a stronghold of the Clan Mackenzie and their allies, the Clan MacRae. Between 1919 and 1932, the castle was rebuilt. The restoration included the construction of an arched bridge to give easier access to the island." Enjoy the day

HWW ~ Dales Way Barn

28 Jul 2024 18 18 61
A barn that I suspect is photographed a lot. We are here on the Dales Way near Hubberholme again and this is but one of many barns around here. Best full screen

The Specked Wood

16 Sep 2024 21 23 57
A local walk gives me a rare glimpse of a static butterfly on this blackberry bush. It is a Specked Wood Butterfly (Pararge aegeria) and maybe the first time I have ever seen such a specimen. Normally they flutter away long before I can focus on them. Enjoy full screen. Just heard on the news this morning (Sept 18) that Butterflies are at a dangerous low number this year in Britain.

HBM ~The bench nobody wants

27 Jul 2024 20 32 67
Once a proud bench with great views now it’s forlorn as the views disappear under a canopy of fast growing trees. Our path on the Shawl near Leyburn runs alongside this and one might have thought that somebody or some organisation would turn it around and give it a coat of varnish, but no… always a new crafted one somewhere to take its place instead. HBM, enjoy the week.

A River Wharfe sentinel

28 Jul 2024 13 11 51
As we walk up the valley here on the Dales Way alongside the infant River Wharfe I spot a most notable dead tree. I am sure it was once a proud member of its family and we can only guess at the changes it has seen here. Just a mile or so further we were to reach the hamlet of Yokenthwait. Best full screen

Loch Alsh from Eilean Donan Castle.

11 May 2024 13 12 62
It was almost the end of our Springtime holiday here in Scotland and we had to start our two day road trip back home. Now as things always are, this last day in the North West of Scotland turns out to be one of the best weather days of our two weeks here. As we had a leisurely 254miles (409km) to go to our overnight stop-over, I was to pass through some of Scotland’s most beautiful scenery giving many opportunities for my camera. Here is the first capture on this wonderful day. Looking west from Eilean Donan Castle along Loch Alsh to the sea. Our holiday cottage was just beyond the white cottages on the right. The hills on our left are in fact on the Isle of Skye not far from where I posted photos of the Kylerhea Ferry. Enjoy full screen

HFF~ The stile gate

28 Jul 2024 23 35 69
Another from the upper Wharfdale valley near Hubberholme in the Yorkshire Dales. We have to go along this path and through the gate to complete the walk here on The Dales Way. Have a good weekend.


12 Sep 2024 18 13 84
As a neighbour has their house extended it gives me an opportunity to catch a man at work. He is actually cementing and 'pointing' the new ridge tiles here.

HWW ~ Another look at Eilean Donan

11 May 2024 30 38 91
Sadly we are on our way home again after two very exciting weeks here in Scotland. Our first photo stop on our way back is Eilean Donan Castle in quite different conditions to our visit some days ago. Calm waters and blue skies give this view quite a different look to my first capture (see PiP). "One of Scotland's most iconic and most recognisable castles set in the majestic NW highlands. The island's original castle was built in the thirteenth century; it became a stronghold of the Clan Mackenzie and their allies, the Clan MacRae. Between 1919 and 1932, the castle was rebuilt. The restoration included the construction of an arched bridge to give easier access to the island." Enjoy the day

A walk in Hardcastle Crags

07 Sep 2024 22 13 69
This wooded valley near Hebden Bridge is always a great pleasure to explore. As per usual we walk the stony river path of Hebden Beck up-stream. Now even though it is barely the second week of September we see the first signs of Autumn. Best full screen

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