Petar Bojić's photos

20210208 185728

20210208 185710

20210208 185623

From the bridal boutique


A bird on a fence

Not to be forgotten!

29 May 2015 19 19 208
On this day, March 24, 1999, 23 years ago, without the approval of the UN Security Council, NATO launched 78-day air strikes on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia), killing between 1,200 and 2,500 people, including 79 children. The bombing destroyed and damaged 25,000 residential buildings, disabled 470 kilometers of roads and 595 kilometers of railways. 14 airports, 19 hospitals, 20 health centers, 18 kindergartens, 69 schools, 176 cultural monuments and 44 bridges were damaged, while 38 were destroyed. NATO launched 1,300 cruise missiles, delivered 37,000 "cluster bombs" and used banned depleted uranium munitions. 1,150 fighter jets launched nearly 420,000 missiles with a total mass of 22,000 tons. The action was cynically called the "Angel of Mercy", and the civilian casualties were "collateral damage":

From a walk, waiting for spring

IMG 20220320 111251

On an abandoned hearth -HBM!

20 Mar 2022 29 20 288
The hearth of the long-abandoned house remains.oday, these remains are used for rest when performing summer work, bystanders and shepherds.

There behind the rainbow, behind the rain (PiP)

19 Mar 2013 50 38 335
There behind the rainbow, behind the rain, somewhere at this time somewhere on the way to Dalmacija. HFF!

Magical sunlight

Play of light and blades of grass

02 Jan 2020 43 13 252
My photos can only be used with my express consent because All rights reserved!

Street gallery

Artist's view of the world

Night sky as background

16 Dec 2012 37 14 227
Sky as background

Playgrounds on hold

1422 photos in total