Kapi rose na žitu (Drops the dew on the wheat)

Flora and fauna

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Rose hip

14 Sep 2019 36 10 628
Rose hip (Rosa canina) is extremely rich in antioxidants, Vitamin C (contain more Vitamin C than lemon, orange and pepper combined.Content Vitamin C is not reduced by cooking, by some, but even increased) , Vitamin P, Vitamin B12, B2, B1, Vitamin K, Vitamin A, as well as carotene, which promote the body's natural defense and resistance and protect against many diseases.

Vilino sito

28 Sep 2019 41 12 656
Carlina acaulis. The plant is used as a means of water excretion, bowel cleansing and urinary excretion.

Solitary and sad birch

Jabukovo drvo

15 Jan 2011 62 26 823
The winter of 2011 was similar to this year's.

Yellow hazel flowers

She is looking forward to spring

Happy March 8th International Women's Day to all t…

Spring next to Sava river

The blossom of the cornel tree

15 Mar 2020 58 16 823
The cornel tree is a symbol of health, prosperity and power.For a person who has no any problems it is said "healthy as a cornel".

165 items in total