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In the smithy

In the smithy
Today is May 1, International Labor Day!

Mariagrazia Gaggero, trester88, Erhard Bernstein, Jean Paul Capdeville and 44 other people have particularly liked this photo

14 comments - The latest ones
 Madeleine Defawes
Madeleine Defawes club
Superbe image pour la fête du travail !
Bon weekend. Amitiés
3 years ago.
 Diana Australis
Diana Australis club
Happy Labour Day Petar. A super action shot.
3 years ago.
 Doug Shepherd
Doug Shepherd club
Happy Labour Day! Great shot!
3 years ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
Beautiful lighting Petar.
Happy and healthy weekend.
3 years ago.
 Gilbert H
Gilbert H
Bonne capture ! Bon week end !
3 years ago.
 Malik Raoulda
Malik Raoulda club
Superbe et bien rendue bien relative à cette fête du travail.
Bon week-end salutaire.
3 years ago.
très belle photo, pour la fête du travail bon weekend, Petar, Bon weekend
3 years ago.
 Stefani Wehner
Stefani Wehner club
Interesting capture, perfectly done! Have a happy labour day too, Petar!
3 years ago.
 Keith Burton
Keith Burton club
A fascinating shot of the Blacksmith at his work Petar. I love the way you've captured the colourful flying sparks.
3 years ago.
 Jenny McIntyre
Jenny McIntyre club
Wow Petar. Jel ovo brusiš ovu cijev? Nisam znala da je Međunarodni praznik rada 1. maja. Pa, morat ću vidjeti što mogu učiniti (u radnom odnosu) sa onim što je ostalo od dana !!!!
3 years ago.
 Hélène Lombard
Hélène Lombard
Bel hommage aux travailleurs !!
3 years ago.
Bonne fête des travailleurs et des retraités Petar !
Bonne journée
3 years ago.
 Valeriane ♫ ♫ ♫¨*
Valeriane ♫ ♫ ♫¨* club
belle fête du travail ! soudeur à l’œuvre********************
3 years ago.
 Jean Paul Capdeville
Jean Paul Capdeville club
Trés belle ambiance et trés beaux accords de couleur
3 years ago.

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