cp_u's photos

Sirmione - Porto notturno

08 Jun 2012 14 3 380
Sirmione - Porto

Sirmione - Piazza Castello1

08 Jun 2012 8 3 380
Sirmione - Piazza Castello

Castello Scaligero notturno

08 Jun 2012 9 3 334
Castello Scaligero notturno

waiting for summer

04 Jan 2013 2 1 234
waiting for summer

La luce dietro il cancello

Santa Maria di Lugana(3)

25 Jan 2014 6 2 281
Santa Maria di Lugana

Santa Maria di Lugana(2)

Santa Maria di Lugana

Santa Maria di Lugana(1)

solitudine sognante



08 Apr 2007 17 10 412
Für Karl Hartwig

Meiji Jingu 01 - Minami Shinmon gate

13 Apr 2014 4 3 310
明治神宮, Meiji Jingū is a shrine dedicated to the deified spirits of Emperor Meiji and his consort, Empress Shoken. The shrine was completed and dedicated to the Emperor Meiji and the Empress Shoken in 1920, eight years after the passing of the emperor and six years after the passing of the empress. The shrine was destroyed during the Second World War but was rebuilt shortly thereafter. The present iteration of the shrine was funded through a public fund raising effort and completed in October, 1958. Emperor Meiji was the first emperor of modern Japan. He was born in 1852 and ascended to the throne in 1867 at the peak of the Meiji Restoration when Japan's feudal era came to an end and the emperor was restored to power. During the Meiji Period Japan modernized and westernized significantly. Meiji Jingu is one of the Japan's most popular shrines. In the first days of the New Year the shrine regularly welcomes more than three million visitors for the year's first prayers (hatsumode), more than any other shrine or temple in the country. During the rest of the year, traditional Shinto weddings can often be seen taking place there.

Meiji Jingu 02 - view to the shrine

Meiji Jingu 03 - Kaguraden

13 Apr 2014 1 254
明治神宮, Meiji Jingū is a shrine dedicated to the deified spirits of Emperor Meiji and his consort, Empress Shoken. The shrine was completed and dedicated to the Emperor Meiji and the Empress Shoken in 1920, eight years after the passing of the emperor and six years after the passing of the empress. The shrine was destroyed during the Second World War but was rebuilt shortly thereafter. The present iteration of the shrine was funded through a public fund raising effort and completed in October, 1958. Emperor Meiji was the first emperor of modern Japan. He was born in 1852 and ascended to the throne in 1867 at the peak of the Meiji Restoration when Japan's feudal era came to an end and the emperor was restored to power. During the Meiji Period Japan modernized and westernized significantly. Meiji Jingu is one of the Japan's most popular shrines. In the first days of the New Year the shrine regularly welcomes more than three million visitors for the year's first prayers (hatsumode), more than any other shrine or temple in the country. During the rest of the year, traditional Shinto weddings can often be seen taking place there.

Meiji Jingu 04 - Kaguarden

Meiji Jingu 05 - Traditional Shinto Wedding

Meiji Jingu 06 - Traditional Shinto Wedding

641 items in total