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Common kingsnake

Common kingsnake
Lampropelis getula
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Lydie Stuelsatz-Derbez, , , and 2 other people have particularly liked this photo

 Ronald Losure
Ronald Losure club
Thank you, Julia, L.L. Wall, and Yves.

I was told when I was a child that they ate other snakes. Here is what Wikipedia says: "They eat other snakes, including venomous snakes. They have developed a hunting technique to avoid being bitten by clamping down on the jaws of the venomous prey, but even if bitten, they are immune to the venom. They also eat amphibians, turtle eggs, lizards, and small mammals, which they kill by constriction."

I have never seen them in Mississippi. This one was in Arizona.
8 years ago.
 Ronald Losure
Ronald Losure club
Suzy is a fashion designer, so I respect her judgment on this. Perhaps next year these colors will be considered beautiful. ;-)
8 years ago.

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