Bow River/Sea im Banff National Park
Der Bow River ist ein 623 Kilometer langer Fluss in der kanadischen Provinz Alberta.
Der Bow River entspringt dem Bow Lake, der vom Bow-Gletscher gespeist wird. Nahe bei Grassy Lake fließt er mit dem Oldman River zusammen und bildet den South Saskatchewan River.
Der Fluss ist wichtig für die Bewässerung, für die Energie und eine wichtige Trinkwasserquelle. Der Fluss stellt einen wichtigen Lebensraum dar.
Der Fluss ist sehr fischreich. Es leben Regenbogenforellen, Bachforellen, Stierforellen (Salvelinus confluentus), Bachsaiblinge und zahlreiche kleinere Fische im Fluss. Grund dafür ist die Aussetzung von ungefähr 45.000 Fischen in den Bow River.
The Bow River is a river in the Canadian province of Alberta. It begins in the Rocky Mountains and winds through the Alberta foothills onto the prairies where it meets the Oldman River, the two then forming the South Saskatchewan River. These waters ultimately flow through the Nelson River into Hudson Bay. The Bow River runs through the city of Calgary, taking in the Elbow River at the historic site of Fort Calgary near downtown. The Bow River pathway, developed along the river's banks, is considered a part of Calgary's self-image.:41-2
First Nations peoples made varied use of the river for sustenance before settlers of European origin arrived, such as using its valleys in the buffalo hunt.:37-41 The name "Bow" refers to the reeds that grew along its banks and were used by the local First Nations peoples to make bows; the Peigan name for the river is "Makhabn", meaning "river where bow reeds grow".
The river is an important source of water for irrigation and drinking water. Between the years 1910 and 1960, the Bow River and its tributaries were engineered to provide hydroelectric power, primarily for Calgary's use. This significantly altered the river's flow and certain ecosystems. Q: Wikipedia
Der Zaun in Vancouver Downtown
HFF - Happy Fence Friday to all of you
PIP: aufgenommen vom Schiff
Man sieht es an den Balkonen: Das sind alles Wohnhäuser!
Lake Louise
Der Lake Louise ist ein See in der kanadischen Provinz Alberta im Banff-Nationalpark. Es ist ein Ort für Freizeitaktivitäten wie Wandern, Klettern, Skifahren und Kanu-Fahren. Die türkisblaue Farbe des Sees stammt von Steinmehl, das von Gletscherschmelzwasser in den See gespült wird und auch als rock flour oder glacial flour bezeichnet wird.
Lake Louise ist nach Prinzessin Louise Caroline Alberta, einer Tochter von Königin Victoria, benannt.
Der Ort Lake Louise liegt neben dem Trans-Canada Highway, 180 km westlich von Calgary. Hinter dem Lake Louise erheben sich einige schneebedeckte Berge wie Mount Temple (3543 m), Mount Whyte (2983 m) und Mount Niblock (2976 m).
Am Ostufer des Sees steht das Château Lake Louise, ein elegantes Fünf-Sterne-Hotel. Es wurde 1890 als bescheidenes Chalet erbaut und später zu einem zweistöckigen Hotel ausgebaut, das zu einem Zentrum für Kletterexpeditionen wurde. Eine Feuersbrunst 1924 zerstörte das Schlosshotel, welches durch die heute noch bestehende Konstruktion ersetzt wurde. Viele Wanderwege starten direkt beim Schlosshotel.
Lake Louise, named Lake of the Little Fishes by the Stoney Nakota First Nations people, is a glacial lake within Banff National Park in Alberta, Canada. It is located 5 km (3.1 mi) west of the Hamlet of Lake Louise and the Trans-Canada Highway (Highway 1).
Lake Louise is named after the Princess Louise Caroline Alberta (1848–1939), the fourth daughter of Queen Victoria and the wife of the Marquess of Lorne, who was the Governor General of Canada from 1878 to 1883.
Lake Louise from eastern shoreline, facing west.
The emerald colour of the water comes from rock flour carried into the lake by melt-water from the glaciers that overlook the lake. The lake has a surface of 0.8 km2 (0.31 sq mi) and is drained through the 3 km long Louise Creek into the Bow River.
Fairmont's Chateau Lake Louise, one of Canada's grand railway hotels, is located on Lake Louise's eastern shore. It is a luxury resort hotel built in the early decades of the 20th century by the Canadian Pacific Railway.
Moraine Lake and Lake Agnes are also accessible from Lake Louise. Q:Wikipedia
Johnson Street Bridge, Victoria
The Johnson Street Bridge is a bascule bridge that spans the harbour of Victoria, British Columbia. It is commonly referred to as the "Blue Bridge" because of its distinctive blue colour.
The bascule spans were designed by the Strauss Bascule Company Limited and were fabricated in Ontario. The sub-structure was built by the City of Victoria Engineering Department and required 9,144 cubic metres (11,960 cubic yards) of concrete. The bridge was completed in January 1924 at a cost of C$918,000. The bridge originally had street car rails running down the center of the road span, but they were never used, and were removed a few years later. The original wood deck was replaced by a steel grid in 1966 and the steel structure was repainted in 1979 as part of an extensive renovation.
The bridge had two opening spans of 45 m (148 ft) that operate independently, a three-lane highway span of 350 tonnes and a railway span of 150 tons. The approaches are fixed girders, the east is 34 m (112 ft) and the west is 22 m (72 ft). The counterweights are made of hollow concrete and total 780 tonnes. Daily traffic in 2010 is 30,000 trips a day at peak usage, of which 4000 are pedestrians, 3000 cyclists, and 23,000 vehicles. Until 2011, the rail span for the E&N was used twice a day by the Via Rail Dayliner, for trips up the island towards Duncan, Nanaimo and Courtenay. The rail span and counterweight have now been removed. Q: Wikipedia
Trebah Garden, Cornwall
Rechts am Wasser sind wieder die Riesenrhubarb zu sehen, hier nicht ganz so hoch.
Trebah ist eine Gartenanlage mit subtropischem Bewuchs in Cornwall. Der Park liegt an der Mündung des Helford River etwa acht Kilometer südwestlich der Stadt Falmouth. Seine Fläche beträgt etwa 11 Hektar (26 Acres). Der kornische Name des Gartens bedeutet Das Haus an der Bucht.
Trebah ist wie das unmittelbar benachbarte Glendurgan ein kornischer Schluchtgarten, d.h. er liegt zwischen steilen Hügeln in einem schmalen Einschnitt, der sich bis zum Ufer des Helford River zieht. Die Schlucht wird von einem kleinen Wasserlauf durchflossen, der kurz vor dem Strand einen Teich bildet. Entlang der Schluchtwände ziehen sich die Parkwege dahin, zwischen denen eine üppige Vegetation wuchert. Dank des durch den Golfstrom milden Klimas ist es möglich, in Trebah neben heimischen Arten eine Anzahl subtropischer Gewächse ganzjährig im Freiland zu kultivieren. So finden sich in Trebah u.a. Bambus, Yuccas, Gunneras, Agaven und Baumfarn und - für das südliche Cornwall eher selbstverständlich - Rhododendron. Im Mai und Juni leuchtet Trebah in allen Farben der Rhododendrenblüten.
Trebah (Cornish: Tre Worabo, meaning Gorabo's farm) is a 26-acre (110,000 m2) sub-tropical garden situated in Cornwall, England, UK, near Glendurgan Garden and above the Helford River.
Part of the parish of Mawnan, the gardens are set within an area of the same name, which includes the small settlements of Trebah Wartha and Trebah Woolas (both are of medieval origin).
History of Trebah
In 1831 Trebah was acquired by the Fox family who built Glendurgan Garden. Trebah was first laid out as a pleasure garden by Charles Fox, a Quaker polymath of enormous creative energy who paid meticulous attention to the exact positioning of every tree. His son-in-law, Edmund Backhouse, M.P. for Darlington, took the work further.
In 1907 Trebah was bought by Charles Hawkins Hext and inherited on his death in 1917 by his wife, Alice, who died in 1939. From 1939 to 1981 the garden fell into decline, since the substantial Trebah Estate was sold off in small packages, of which the house and garden was one.
Second World War and after
During the Second World War, Trebah was used for military purposes and the assault on Omaha Beach in Normandy was launched from Polgwidden Beach, at the foot of Trebah Garden.
Inscription on Memorial Slab at the foot of Trebah Garden: "To the officers and men of the U.S. 29th Infantry Division, who embarked from Trebah in June 1944 for the D-Day assault on Omaha Beach. We will remember them."
One of the subsequent owners was Donald Healey, the motor car designer, who removed some of the concrete military structures and provided a boathouse on the beach.
In 1981, on their 64th birthday, Tony and Eira Hibbert bought Trebah as their retirement home. They were persuaded to give up the first three years of retirement to restore the garden.
Indeed, when Major Hibbert agreed to three years, little did he know it would become a quarter century. The decision, he eventually wrote, "has given us the happiest twenty-four years of our lives and had we not taken up the challenge we'd have been dead long ago of gin poisoning and boredom."
The garden was opened to the public in 1987 and by 1989 visitor numbers had reached 36,000. The Hibbert family then gave the house, garden and cottages to the Trebah Garden Trust, a registered charity, to ensure that the garden could be preserved for future generations.
In 2000 visitor numbers had exceeded 105,000 and a £1.94 million grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund and Objective One allowed Trebah to build the new 'Hibbert Centre', to rebuild Alice Hext's seat, restore the nursery and carry out major landscaping and garden improvements. Q:Wikipedia
Alles Ebbe
Penzance [pɛnˈzæns] (kornisch Pennsans [KK], Pensans [UCR]) ist eine Stadt im ehemaligen District Penwith der Grafschaft Cornwall in England und liegt an der Mounts Bay, einer Meeresbucht des Atlantiks am Eingang des Ärmelkanals, in der auch der St. Michael’s Mount zu finden ist. Die Stadt hat 21.200 Einwohner (Stand: 2011) und war bis 2009 Verwaltungssitz des damaligen Districts Penwith. Penzance und Umgebung sind stark durch den Tourismus geprägt.
Penzance (/pɛnˈzæns/; Cornish: Pennsans)[1] is a town, civil parish and port in Cornwall, in England, United Kingdom. It is well known for being the most westerly major town in Cornwall[2] and is approximately 75 miles (121 km) west of Plymouth and 300 miles (480 km) west-southwest of London. Situated in the shelter of Mount's Bay, the town faces south-east onto the English Channel, is bordered to the west by the fishing port of Newlyn, to the north by the civil parish of Madron and to the east by the civil parish of Ludgvan.
The civil parish includes the town of Newlyn and the villages of Mousehole, Paul, Gulval and Heamoor. Q: Wikipedia
Postbridge, Dartmoor
Die Clapper bridge (dt. adaptiert: Klapperbrücke) ist eine Steinplattenbrücke, die durch die Verwendung großer flacher Natursteinplatten als Baumaterial gekennzeichnet ist, und deren Stabilität meist allein auf den aufeinander ruhenden Steinen beruht.
Das Wort „Clapper“ leitet sich nicht von Klappern, sondern vom angelsächsischen Wort cleaca ab, was so viel heißt wie bridging the stepping stones (Trittsteine überbrückend). Das Wort soll aus Sussex, in England stammen und auch Planke bedeuten.
Bei schmalen Fließgewässern sind die zwischen zwei und vier Meter langen Steinplatten direkt von einem zum anderen Ufer verlegt, bei breiteren ruhen sie auf Steinen, die sich im flachen Gewässer befinden, oder auf niedrigen, meist in Trockenbauweise errichteten Steinpfeilern, dann "engl. Postbridge" (Pfostenbrücke) genannt (z. B. zwischen Moretonhamstead und Two Bridges). Meist sind zwei oder drei Platten von annähernd derselben Größe hintereinander angeordnet. Zusätzliche bauliche Befestigungen (z. B. Bindemittelnutzung oder Zapfen-Steinbehau) sind für die unregelmäßig geformten Brücken untypisch. Falls dergleichen dennoch vorhanden ist, wurde es nachträglich eingebracht.
A clapper bridge is an ancient form of bridge found on the moors of Devon (Dartmoor and Exmoor) and in other upland areas of the United Kingdom including Snowdonia and Anglesey, Cumbria, Yorkshire and Lancashire. It is formed by large flat slabs of stone, often granite or schist, supported on stone piers (across rivers), or resting on the banks of streams.
Although often credited with prehistoric origin, most were erected in medieval times, and some in later centuries. They are often situated close to a ford where carts could cross. According to the Dartmoor National Park, the word 'clapper' derives ultimately from an Anglo-Saxon word, cleaca, meaning 'bridging the stepping stones' the Oxford English Dictionary gives the intermediate Medieval Latin form clapus, claperius, "of Gaulish origin", with an initial meaning of "a pile of stones" Q:Wikipedia
Vancouver Convention Centre,
The Vancouver Convention Centre (formerly known as the Vancouver Convention & Exhibition Centre, or VCEC), is a convention centre in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; it is one of Canada's largest convention centres. With the opening of the new West Building in 2009, it now has 466,500 ft² (43,340 m²) of meeting space. It is owned by the British Columbia Pavilion Corporation, a crown corporation owned by the government of British Columbia. Q: Wikipedia
English Bay, Vancouver
English Bay (deutsch Englische Bucht) ist eine Bucht vor der kanadischen Stadt Vancouver. Sie liegt unmittelbar westlich des Stadtzentrums und ist Teil der Straße von Georgia. Im Nordosten liegt der Burrard Inlet, im Südosten False Creek.
Der unmittelbar beim West End gelegene English Bay Beach ist der beliebteste Strand in der Nähe des Stadtzentrums. Andere Strände am Ostufer sind Sunset Beach, Second Beach und Third Beach. Am Südufer befinden sich die Strände Kitsilano Beach, Jericho Beach, Spanish Bank und Locarno Beach.
English Bay ist Schauplatz zahlreicher kultureller Veranstaltungen. Die Celebration of Light ist ein weltbekannter Feuerwerk-Wettkampf, der jeden Sommer während zwei Wochen stattfindet (üblicherweise die letzte Juli- und die erste Augustwoche). Es handelt sich dabei um die größte Feuerwerkveranstaltung der Welt. Am Neujahrstag findet jeweils der Polar Bear Swim statt (Hunderte von Schwimmern stürzen sich in die kalten Fluten), im Sommer die Gay Pride-Parade.
In der Bucht ankern oft große Frachtschiffe und warten auf eine Passage in den Burrard Inlet, wo sich die Hafenanlagen befinden.
Die rechtliche Stellung der Bucht ist bis heute nicht geklärt, denn sie wird als Teil des traditionellen Gebiets der Squamish nach wie vor beansprucht.
Das 2005 entworfene Logo der Olympischen Winterspiele 2010 stellt einen Inuksuk dar und trägt den Namen Ilaanaq (Inuktitut für „Freund“). Ein ähnlicher Inuksuk befindet sich seit der Expo 86 am Strand von English Bay.
English Bay is located in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, west of the downtown peninsula and False Creek. It consists of the south side of the Burrard Inlet, extending from Point Grey in the southwest to Prospect Point in the northeast.
English Bay Beach, near the city's West End residential neighbourhood, is the most popular sunbathing, swimming, and sunset-watching beach in the downtown Vancouver area. Other downtown beaches facing English Bay include Sunset Beach, Second Beach, and Third Beach. Along the south shore of the bay lie Kitsilano Beach, Jericho Beach, the Spanish Banks beaches, and Locarno Beach, while on the North Shore are Ambleside Beach and various smaller cove-beaches in the city of West Vancouver. English Bay beaches are all major tourist attraction to visitors all year long, with the peak season being late summer.
The Vancouver Seawall runs all the way around English Bay from Stanley Park in the northeast around False Creek at Point Grey facing the Strait of Georgia in the southwest. This is a favourite destination for walkers, runners, bicyclists, and roller-bladers. (Note: the Seawall is one-way for cyclists and roller-bladers, running counter-clockwise from just east of Lions Gate Bridge to Third Beach.)
English Bay Beach is host to a number of public events. The Celebration of Light is a fireworks competition that is held for two weeks every summer (usually the last week in July and first week in August). While this competition often struggles to secure funding, it has successfully run since 1997 and is the largest off-shore fireworks display in the world.[citation needed] Each winter it is the host of Vancouvers' annual Polar Bear Swim and each summer the Vancouver Pride Parade and Festival is held on English Bay Beach.
Q: Wikipedia
Science world, Vancouver
Die Wohnhochhäuser haben mich sehr beeindruckt. Fast alle Hochhäuser in Vancouver sind Wohnungen. Und die Skyline ist wirklich atemberaubend.
Emerald Lake, Yoho NP, Canada
Emerald Lake is located in Yoho National Park, British Columbia, Canada. It is the largest of Yoho's 61 lakes and ponds, as well as one of the park's premier tourist attractions. Emerald Lake Lodge, a high-end lodge perched on the edge of the lake, provides local accommodation. A 5.2 km (3.2 mi) hiking trail circuits the lake, the first half of which is accessible to wheelchairs and strollers. During the summer months, canoe rentals are available; in the winter, the lake is a popular cross country skiing destination.
The lake is enclosed by mountains of the President Range, as well as Mount Burgess and Wapta Mountain. This basin traps storms, causing frequent rain in summer and heavy snowfalls in winter. This influx of moisture works with the lake's low elevation to produce a unique selection of flora. Trees found here are more typical of B.C.'s wet interior forests, such as western red cedar, western yew, western hemlock and western white pine. The alluvial fan on the northeast shore produces wildflowers in abundance during late June and early July.
Due to its high altitude, the lake is frozen from November until June. The vivid turquoise color of the water, caused by powdered limestone, is most spectacular in July as the snow melts from the surrounding mountains.
The first European to set sight on Emerald Lake was guide Tom Wilson, who stumbled upon it by accident in 1882. A string of his horses had gotten away, and it was while tracking them that he first entered the valley. The lake had an impression on even the most seasoned of explorers: "For a few moments I sat [on] my horse and enjoyed the rare, peaceful beauty of the scene." It was Wilson who gave the lake its name because of its remarkable colour, caused by fine particles of glacial sediment, also referred to as rock flour, suspended in the water. However, this was not the first time Wilson had dubbed a lake 'Emerald'. Earlier that same year he had discovered another lake which he had given the same moniker, and the name even appeared briefly on the official map. This first lake however, was shortly renamed Lake Louise. Q: Wikipedia
Gallagher Lake, Okanagan Valley
Lake Louise mit Fairmont Hotel
Fairmont Hotels and Resorts ist ein kanadischer Betreiber von zahlreichen Luxushotels und Resorts weltweit.
Vor allem in Kanada ist Fairmont für charakteristische und berühmte historische Hotels bekannt wie das Empress in Victoria, das Hotel Vancouver in Vancouver, das Fairmont Royal York in Toronto, das Château Frontenac in Québec, das Château Laurier in Ottawa oder das Banff Springs Hotel in Banff. Stilistisch bzw. architektonisch gemein ist diesen Hotels der Bezug zum Historismus mit jeweiligen Anleihen aus Neogotik, Neorenaissance und Art Déco. Die meisten der kanadischen Hotels von Fairmont wurden ursprünglich von Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) errichtet. CPR übernahm 1999 die Fairmont-Hotelkette nutzte diesen Namen fortan für ihre Hotels. 2001 wurde die Hotelsparte unter dem heutigen Namen wieder ausgegliedert.
Fairmont Hotels & Resorts is a Canadian operator of luxury hotels and resorts.
Fairmont is known in Canada for its famous historic hotels and resorts such as The Empress in Victoria, the Hotel Vancouver in Vancouver, The Palliser in Calgary, the Hotel Macdonald in Edmonton, the Château Laurier in Ottawa, The Royal York in Toronto, the Banff Springs Hotel in Alberta and the Château Frontenac in Québec. Many of these hotels were originally built by the Canadian Pacific Railway and the Canadian National Railway in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Fairmont's portfolio also includes several other landmark and icon properties including The Plaza in New York, the Savoy Hotel in London, the Peace Hotel in Shanghai and the Makkah Clock Royal Tower Hotel in Makkah (Mecca), Saudi Arabia. Q:Wikipedia
Lake Louise
Der Lake Louise ist ein See in der kanadischen Provinz Alberta im Banff-Nationalpark. Es ist ein Ort für Freizeitaktivitäten wie Wandern, Klettern, Skifahren und Kanu-Fahren. Die türkisblaue Farbe des Sees stammt von Steinmehl, das von Gletscherschmelzwasser in den See gespült wird und auch als rock flour oder glacial flour bezeichnet wird.
Lake Louise ist nach Prinzessin Louise Caroline Alberta, einer Tochter von Königin Victoria, benannt.
Der Ort Lake Louise liegt neben dem Trans-Canada Highway, 180 km westlich von Calgary. Hinter dem Lake Louise erheben sich einige schneebedeckte Berge wie Mount Temple (3543 m), Mount Whyte (2983 m) und Mount Niblock (2976 m).
Am Ostufer des Sees steht das Château Lake Louise, ein elegantes Fünf-Sterne-Hotel. Es wurde 1890 als bescheidenes Chalet erbaut und später zu einem zweistöckigen Hotel ausgebaut, das zu einem Zentrum für Kletterexpeditionen wurde. Eine Feuersbrunst 1924 zerstörte das Schlosshotel, welches durch die heute noch bestehende Konstruktion ersetzt wurde. Viele Wanderwege starten direkt beim Schlosshotel.
Lake Louise, named Lake of the Little Fishes by the Stoney Nakota First Nations people, is a glacial lake within Banff National Park in Alberta, Canada. It is located 5 km (3.1 mi) west of the Hamlet of Lake Louise and the Trans-Canada Highway (Highway 1).
Lake Louise is named after the Princess Louise Caroline Alberta (1848–1939), the fourth daughter of Queen Victoria and the wife of the Marquess of Lorne, who was the Governor General of Canada from 1878 to 1883.
Lake Louise from eastern shoreline, facing west.
The emerald colour of the water comes from rock flour carried into the lake by melt-water from the glaciers that overlook the lake. The lake has a surface of 0.8 km2 (0.31 sq mi) and is drained through the 3 km long Louise Creek into the Bow River.
Fairmont's Chateau Lake Louise, one of Canada's grand railway hotels, is located on Lake Louise's eastern shore. It is a luxury resort hotel built in the early decades of the 20th century by the Canadian Pacific Railway.
Moraine Lake and Lake Agnes are also accessible from Lake Louise. Q:Wikipedia
Lake Louise, Fairmont Hotel
Der Lake Louise ist ein See in der kanadischen Provinz Alberta im Banff-Nationalpark. Es ist ein Ort für Freizeitaktivitäten wie Wandern, Klettern, Skifahren und Kanu-Fahren. Die türkisblaue Farbe des Sees stammt von Steinmehl, das von Gletscherschmelzwasser in den See gespült wird und auch als rock flour oder glacial flour bezeichnet wird.
Lake Louise ist nach Prinzessin Louise Caroline Alberta, einer Tochter von Königin Victoria, benannt.
Der Ort Lake Louise liegt neben dem Trans-Canada Highway, 180 km westlich von Calgary. Hinter dem Lake Louise erheben sich einige schneebedeckte Berge wie Mount Temple (3543 m), Mount Whyte (2983 m) und Mount Niblock (2976 m).
Am Ostufer des Sees steht das Château Lake Louise, ein elegantes Fünf-Sterne-Hotel. Es wurde 1890 als bescheidenes Chalet erbaut und später zu einem zweistöckigen Hotel ausgebaut, das zu einem Zentrum für Kletterexpeditionen wurde. Eine Feuersbrunst 1924 zerstörte das Schlosshotel, welches durch die heute noch bestehende Konstruktion ersetzt wurde. Viele Wanderwege starten direkt beim Schlosshotel.
Lake Louise, named Lake of the Little Fishes by the Stoney Nakota First Nations people,is a glacial lake within Banff National Park in Alberta, Canada. It is located 5 km (3.1 mi) west of the Hamlet of Lake Louise and the Trans-Canada Highway (Highway1).
Lake Louise is named after the Princess Louise Caroline Alberta (1848–1939), the fourth daughter of Queen Victoria and the wife of the Marquess of Lorne, who was the Governor General of Canada from 1878 to 1883.
The emerald colour of the water comes from rock flour carried into the lake by melt-water from the glaciers that overlook the lake. The lake has a surface of 0.8 km2 (0.31 sq mi) and is drained through the 3 km long Louise Creek into the Bow River.
Fairmont's Chateau Lake Louise, one of Canada's grand railway hotels, is located on Lake Louise's eastern shore. It is a luxury resort hotel built in the early decades of the 20th century by the Canadian Pacific Railway.
Moraine Lake and Lake Agnes are also accessible from Lake Louise. Q: Wikipedia
Der Zaun in Vancouver
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