
Amelia club

Posted: 07 Aug 2022

Taken: 03 Jul 2022

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Liz at Horsey

Liz at Horsey
It's 10.30 and I have just come in for a cool drink and a rest after doing 2 hours of gardening, cutting back crispy perennials and overblown roses. The work isn't finished but it's now too hot for me outside.

This is where I'd love to be now - paddling in the North Sea. :-))

HelenaPF, Marco F. Delminho, cp_u, Pano ☼ Rapi ♫✯♫ and 17 other people have particularly liked this photo

10 comments - The latest ones
Jean-Paul club
love this pic Amelia
2 years ago.
 Nick Weall
Nick Weall club
Stay cool dear LGM
2 years ago.
tiabunna club
You could always head this way, tomorrow will top at 16C. :-)
2 years ago.
christel.k club
es ist schon erstaunlich, dass Du noch Gartenarbeit machst, liebe Amy!
bei uns wuchert alles, weil wir uns diese Arbeit nicht antun wollen (oder können ...)

Liebe Grüße auch von B.
2 years ago. Edited 2 years ago.
 Peter Castell
Peter Castell club
That looks an inviting prospect, the garden and allotment have been a waste of time and effort this year
2 years ago.
 Keith Burton
Keith Burton club
My wife spent some time in the garden today doing pretty much the same as you, while I did the watering without using the hose (we're not in the hose pipe ban area, but feel we ought to minimise the amount of water we're using). It's 25C in our living room at the moment!

It looks pretty idyllic on this beach Amelia and probably with a nice cool breeze..........very nicely composed and taken.
2 years ago.
 Rosalyn Hilborne
Rosalyn Hilborne
That's where I would love to be as well Amelia! We did a lot of gardening on Friday so today we just sat outside with neighbours enjoying the view....except for the yellow grass!!
2 years ago.
 Ulrich John
Ulrich John club
A very nice picture, Amelia !
2 years ago.
TOZ club
Hi Amelia just of to the seaside to day we will be doing a little bit of padddling.
Have a nice day.
2 years ago.
cp_u club
2 years ago.

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