Ticket #29055
I have another question...
This conversation is followed by Léastaff. (2 days ago)
The support team has answered your message.
Sunday February 16, 2014 at 10:09AMTess Mc Kenna says:
Hi Lea
You continue to ban any link back such as “seen in” “optional text codes” or “small graphics” saying that they are “Promoting Groups” and therefore in your opinion this is SPAM. As said before there is no point in having groups in Ipernity if there is no link back or any kind. Banning the above optional link backs has led to many groups closing and individual members leaving Ipernity.
You propose to allow “Suggest A Goup” as a suitable remedy for the above. . You have come closer to allowing group promotion and therefore Spam by introducing this proposal because I and any member can just suggest groups without ever visiting the group to share images within the group, or and commenting on images within the group
I fail to understand what it is you hope to achieve with your new proposal. I do however understand how we have arrived to this sad and sorry point. It started with your interpretation or what SPAM really means Link backs are not SPAM (as you have been told by many. . They are simply only an acknowledgement of where an image was viewed. This was welcome to the majority including myself. For those who don’t like link backs you have provided many options to please them. ( Including the delete comment option)
Failure on your part to address these issues with viable solutions, have reduced the Iperntiy into a shambles. You have in effect started an exodus from Ipernity. You are putting nails in your own coffin. So in the end It will for the majority of members. IPERNITY RIP.
Like many I feel like I am talking to a brick wall when trying to get some interest from Ipernity to listen to the majority. But I can’t help trying
Regards Tess
PS In Ireland when we use the phrase "You are putting nails in your own coffin" is intended to meant "you are leading your own road on your own self distrution." I only explain this because it was taken up differently than intended. Different Counties have their own expressions and therefore can lead to misunderstanding. I appreciate that as a fact.
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The fact that Ipernity are silent does not fill me with hope. They clearly said that they will introduce this new "suggest a group" withing 2 weeks from 14/2/14 as a solution to please all.
As I said this is even closer to spaming ( in my option and I am willing to be corrected if I am wrong with my interpretation) and IP continue to ban a link back such as "seen in" "admired in" and all the other available link backs that members can choose to accept in their settings.
Live and let live is what we asked for and time will tell the tale if IP will allow this as a way forward.
So we live in hope:
Regards Tess.
I agree 100% Flexibility would go a long way to solving the problem. Their ability to introduce a solution to allow equality for all on all sides will be crucial. And it starts with Flexibility as you said
Regards Tess.
Stormlizard club has replied to Treasa Ui CionaodhaA point of interest. Some time ago we were given the option as users to either allow or not any link back to a group or groups.
We were also given the option to allow or not any invitation to join a group.
I changed my settings at that time and have not had problems with "SPAM" as some prefer to call it.
John with respect.
Treasa Ui Cionaodha has replied to Stormlizard clubThanks for your input. All or most people seem to have wanted as you say the option to choose as an individual how they wish to have their stream viewed and commented on. So we have that now and all seems well with ipernity
Regards Tess
Stormlizard club has replied to Treasa Ui CionaodhaYes I think so, I have just sent an IM to you about my experiences here.
Regards John.
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