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Dear members and friends of ipernity,
1) Today we would like to thank Google first of all. As announced on the Google Blog, beginning June 2021 the company will end the distorting practice of offering unlimited free storage space for photos in its cloud.
2) Even more pleasing is the fact that ipernity was mentioned in the specialised media in October 2020 for the first time in 2 years. The leading German IT magazine heise online presented ipernity as one of 7 alternatives to Flickr.
3) The partial insuffency of the article underlines the need to make our 'Explore' page more informative and inviting. There are now two concrete proposals for this in the Promoting ipernity group. Suggestions for improvement are welcome.
4) Already done and online is an update of the 'New' page added to 'Explore' a few weeks ago. Its design now corresponds to the other photo overview pages. In addition, many details of the ipernity software have been optimised, the list of which would go beyond the scope of this report.
5) To make the community character of ipernity clearer to visitors, we are replacing the previous terms 'team blog' and 'newsflash' with 'Club News'. (In the future we want to use Newsflash only on special occasions).
6) We have investigated the missing receipt of ipernity notifications to private mailboxes that was reported to us by some members. We have found that our servers send everything correctly. If you are affected, you will find corrective measures in the detailed investigation report.
Your ima team
Chers membres et amis d'ipernity,
1) Aujourd'hui, nous aimerions tout d'abord remercier Google. Comme annoncé sur le blog de Google, à partir de juin 2021, la société mettra fin à la pratique de distortion consistant à offrir un espace de stockage gratuit et illimité pour les photos dans son nuage.
2) Plus réjouissant encore est le fait qu'ipernity a été mentionné dans les médias spécialisés en octobre 2020 pour la première fois en deux ans. Le principal magazine informatique allemand, heise online, a présenté ipernity comme l'une des 7 alternatives à Flickr.
3) L'insuffisance partielle de l'article souligne la nécessité de rendre notre page "Explorer" plus informative et invitante. Le groupe Mesures de promotion d'ipernity a formulé deux propositions concrètes à cet effet. Les suggestions d'amélioration sont les bienvenues.
4) Une mise à jour de la page "Nouveau" ajoutée à "Explorer" il y a quelques semaines a déjà été faite et est en ligne. Son design correspond désormais aux autres pages de présentation des photos. En outre, de nombreux détails du logiciel ipernity ont été optimisés, dont la liste dépasserait le cadre du présent rapport.
5) Afin de rendre le caractère communautaire d'ipernity plus clair pour les visiteurs, nous remplaçons les anciens termes "Blog d'ipernity" et "Newsflash" par "Infos Club". (À l'avenir, nous souhaitons utiliser Newsflash uniquement pour des occasions spéciales).
6) Nous avons enquêté sur la non-réception de notifications ipernity dans des boîtes aux lettres privées, qui nous a été signalée par certains membres. Nous avons constaté que nos serveurs envoient tout correctement. Si vous êtes concerné, vous trouverez les mesures correctives dans le rapport d'enquête détaillé.
Votr équipe ima
Liebe Mitglieder und Freunde von ipernity!
1) Wir möchten uns heute als erstes bei Google bedanken. Wie nämlich im Google-Blog angekündigt, wird der Konzern ab Juni 2021 die wettbewerbsverzerrende Praxis beenden, unbegrenzt kostenlosen Speicherplatz für Fotos in der Google Cloud anzubieten.
2) Noch erfreulicher ist, dass ipernity im Oktober 2020 zum ersten Mal seit 2 Jahren wieder in der Fachpresse erwähnt wurde. Das führende deutsche IT-Magazin heise online hat ipernity als eine von 7 Flickr-Alternativen präsentiert.
3) Die teilweise Unzulänglichkeit des Artikels unterstreicht die Notwendigkeit, unsere Einstiegsseite ‘Entdecken’ informativer und attraktiver zu gestalten. Hierfür gibt es inzwischen zwei konkrete Vorschläge in der Arbeitsgruppe Werbung für ipernity. Verbesserungsvorschläge sind willkommen.
4) Bereits fertig und online ist ein Update der vor einigen Wochen zu ‘Explore’ hinzugefügten Seite “Neu”. Ihr Design entspricht jetzt den übrigen Foto-Übersichtsseiten. Außerdem wurden viele Detailoptimierungen an der ipernity-Software vorgenommen, deren Aufzählung hier den Rahmen sprengen würde.
5) Um Besuchern den Gemeinschafts-Charakter von ipernity deutlicher zu machen, ersetzen wir die bisherigen Begriffe “Team-Blog” und “Newsflash” durch “Club-Nachrichten”. (Newsflash wollen wir zukünftig nur noch bei besonderen Anlässen verwenden.)
6) Den von einigen Mitgliedern berichteten ausbleibenden Empfang von ipernity-Nachrichten in ihrer privaten Mailbox haben wir untersucht. Wir haben festgestellt, das unsere Server alles ordnungsgemäß absenden. Falls ihr betroffen seid, findet ihr Abhilfemaßnahmen im ausführlichen Untersuchungsbericht.
Euer ima-Team
Club News 2020-12-04
Version française : Veuillez faire défiler vers le bas ⬇️
Deutsche Version: Bitte nach unten scroll…
04 Dec 2020
Why do I not receive e-mails from ipernity?
Dear members of ipernity!
If e-mails sent by ipernity do not arrive, it is because they get caugh…
18 Nov 2020
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Bergfex club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubraingirl club has replied to Colin Ashcroft clubest ce normal ? alors que l'on voit toujours les mêmes tout les jours ? merci de me répondre si vous le pouvais ! bon we
Merci pour cette initiative et votre réponse !
Au Cœur... diagonalh… club has replied to Sylvain Wiartà tous les coups dans les paramètres / l'administration du groupe
... si tu y as accès car pas (encore) facile pour moi d'avoir accès à grand chose --- grrr
I like "Club News"
Thank You
Therefore, I try a feedback this way:
Unfortunately it does not work.
Also inviting pictures and inserting them into groups does not work or only partially. When cross-checking and refreshing the pages, they usually reappear before the previous state.
Interim status report:
The good news: The ipernity database is not affected. All contents are available and can be browsed as usual. In addition, a backup copy for emergencies exists that could be accessed. So you don't have to worry about that. Technically everything is fine as well. All 16 AWS servers are running perfectly. There is no hardware error.
The problem: There is a partial ipernity software malfunction. The upload module stopped at 19:00 CET on Friday evening. This is the program part, which receives, checks and correctly sorts all the content you upload (pictures, comments, FAVs, iper-mails, etc.)
Although none of us in the ima team is an IT specialist, we could locate the error and, in the meantime, partially fix it. That's why some of the comments and iper mails you wrote in the meantime are now online. And that is why you can also read this message here. But the module is not yet fully up.
The solution: If we manage to make further progress today, we will be very happy. Otherwise we will alert our IT service provider Qwellcode tomorrow morning, who has the necessary special knowledge.
We still ask for your patience.
Leider haben wir bei der Übernahme der Webseite von den ehemaligen Programmierern keine Betriebsanleitung bekommen, die es Laien ermöglichen würde, solche Probleme selbst zu beheben. Aber wir tun unser Bestes. Denn wir wollen natürlich, dass ipernity möglichst schnell wieder einwandfrei läuft.
Thanks for the hint, Bernhard.
This explains why administrative tasks here and there, with a little patience, have succeeded after all.
In the years since ima took over the platform, you have really done remarkable work.
I am sure that even this problem will be solved.
Thank you for your tireless work and care.
Würde gerne bald wieder Fotos raufladen!
For several days now we have not been able to post any more photos. Ipernity loads the document but is unable to do the processing.
Can you tell us what's going on?
Thank you very much.
Yours sincerely
Warum läuft es nicht mehr ??? Warum kann man nicht hochladen _?
und und und ... ????
Good luck to the Ipernity Team with any problems you may be having with the system!
raingirl club has replied to aNNa schramm clubSome progress, hopefully more on Monday, or so I understand !
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to LASEWe have now updated the notices on ipernity's Help & Contact page:
We still need to rely on Qwellcode, and hope they manage to restore all the connections next week.
I wish you all a relaxing weekend. Go out, if you can, and take some photographs which we hopefully can share later here at ipernity.
à trouver ici..
comme tu marques..que nous ESPERONS.. pouvoir partager..+TARD
.. mais comme on vaut mieux tard que JAMAIS...bon W/end
et prends soin de toi et famille
Have a great and safe weekend, all of IMA and other members of Ipernity!
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Berny clubJe vois qu'il existe de sérieux problème partout sur Internet ....
Vivement que tout revienne en ordre...
MERCI à toute l'équipe...!!!
a. Friday, November 20, 2020, 18:00 CET the ima-team published the fortnightly 'Club News' (previously called 'Newsflash'). For that week, this was the last action oft he ima team, executed with help oft he normal ipernity blog editor. Any kind of modification to the software on the servers had not been done. No new html-files had been uploaded, except the notice banner. However, this is a proven, uncritic action.
b. Friday, November 20, 2020, 20:00 CET members of the ima team were alerted from outside that our website was no longer able to upload and comment.
c. An immediate check of he log-files showed last entries until Friday, 19:38 CET. So we have to assume that this is the point in time when the malfunction occurred.
d. An immediate check of the AWS servers via the AWS console showed that all 16 servers were running technically sound and not overloaded. A hardware error could be excluded. Rather, it must have been a malfunction in the ipernity software, the sudden occurrence of which was completely inexplicable.
e. Rob, who does simpler web design tasks for us, immediately tried to locate the error. Unfortunately his autodidactic skills were not sufficient for this, although he also got support from Sami and another club member with IT skills.
f. So less than 1 hour after the malfunction occurred, it was clear that we would need help of IT professionals: either Christophe Ruelle or highly paid external IT experts. Because as a club of amateur photographers we do not have our own "IT guys". Until this point we hade done everything that IT laymen are capable of doing.
g. Therefore we alarmed our President, Eric Desjours, via SMS on Friday night, 20:22 CET, about the fact that either Christophe Ruelle would have to be informed or we would have to hire a costly external service on Monday.
h. Eric immediately contacted Christophe Ruelle, the team leader of the former developer group and the former owner of the website. Christophe Ruelle promised an emergency service on Saturday afternoon, November 21, 2020, at 3 pm CET.
i. In addition, to inform the members, a banner was published on Friday evening. Furthermore, the following text in all seven languages was published on the site: „Writing to he ipernity database is currently broken. This may not be repaird until Monday, Dadabase contents are not at risk. Browsing is still possible.“.
j. Moreover, on Friday evening, a detailed information was put online in this ipernity team blog, which is the statutory publication medium oft he ima team. It was accessible to everyone until the emergency shutdown on Wednesday, November 25, 2020. Thus we have fulfilled our statutory obligation to inform all members promptly.
j. During the night and on Saturday morning Rob was able to discover that a server was executing write commands in quick succession, which filled his hard drive. It was then used to 99% capacity. The files could be deleted. But because the servers had fallen out of sync in the meantime, our website did not run correctly. Furthermore, it was not possible to determine why the server, which had fallen out of sync, showed this malfunction.
k. In addition, on Saturday morning 07:26 CET we answered all tickets received until then.
n. All the hope we had put in Christophe Ruelle was bitterly disappointed. He stayed away unexcused from the promised help on Saturday 15:00 CET, which he himself had proposed. He could not be reached by phone, SMS, or skype. He did neither apologise, nor was he available at the agreed time and for the rest of the Saturday.
o. Eric was only able to reach Christophe by phone on Sunday afternoon at 16:00 CET. Christophe declared himself no longer to be in a charge. He refused to help. Since then Christophe has never contacted us again.
p. On Monday, November 22, 07:32 CET we alerted our professional IT service provider Qwellcode (Salzkotten, Germany). After checking all available informmation, Qwellcode promised to withdraw an expert from another ongoing project in the afternoon.
r. In parallel, we also tried to contact the AWS specialist from Innovations ON (Ulm, Germany), who successfully helped us solve a server problem in June 2020. His company headquarters told us that he was on vacation. Shortly afterwards, a colleague of him contacted us. Together with Qwellcode he checked the AWS servers and confirmed our own findings that everything is technically in order on the part of AWS.
q. Qwellcode started ist work on Monday, November 22, at 16:11 CET. At 19:00 CET it was not only known which server was breaking ranks, but also that it was useless to delete the command that caused the problem. This command was completely nonsensical and in an illogical place. To delete it was unsuccessful. After some time it was there again and continued its harmful work, which caused the servers to get out of sync and the internal hard disk to fill up.
s. Normally one knows such abnormal behaviour of virus-infected PCs. However, since ipernity is secured by very professional AWS firewalls, it is extremely unlikely that a virus infection occurred. More plausible would be the speculation that a former programmer hid a time-controlled software pest somewhere in the code. But until we have found it, we cannot prove it. However, it is very suspicious that a similar problem occurred also on a Friday evening in May 2018. It was Christophe Ruelle who fixed the problem then. He never told us how he did it, neither did he say what the problem was. So neither we nor Qwellcode have any detailed information about this former case.
t. With regard to time and cost we stopped the search for he software pest on Tuesday evening and decided to find and install a non-infected backup instead.
u. We were able to start installing this backup beginning on Wednesday, November 25, 2020, 12:00 CET
v. Ipernity runs on 16 servers, which are connected with each other. If there are signs that malicious code is in the system, you have to shut down completely, clean and reboot all connected servers. If only one is left out, the malware can spread from there to the others. That’s why also the frontend servers, which connect the website with the web, had tob e switched off.
w. In such situations you would normally redirect the IP address to a separate server with an information panel. So not only to another website, but to a physically different device. However, 2013 Christophe Ruelle did not anticipate such a situation. It would have taken us several hours rent another AWS server and to bring it up. Too much in such a crisis situation. Therefore we accepted the temporary appearance of a white screen.
x. Alternatively, we have continued to provide up-to-date information via the two leading social media ipernity@Facebook and ipernity@twitter. In addition, we provided daily news on Flickr.
y. We ourselves regret that any reserve server for such messaging purposes doesn’t exist yet. We will check what the setup of such a separate news server would cost. Then we decide whether the ongoing rental of an additional AWS server and the necessary programming for such extremely rare emergencies is worthwhile for a small club like ours.
z. The installation of the backups on the 16 servers took until Friday, November 27, 18:00 CET. Hundreds of gigabytes had to be replicated and the servers to be started up and synchronised one after another. Everything went fine until this moment. However, when the system was booted in total, it turned out that some connections between the servers were still interrupted.
Since the responsible specialit of Qwellcode had already exceeded his legally allowed maximum working hours, we let him go for the weekend. The last necessary measures will be continued on Monday.
StoneRoad2013 club has replied to Bergfex clubHopefully, more work on Monday will see Ipernity all normal again.
Keep Safe
Leon_Vienna club has replied to Bergfex clubVielen Dank für eure zwar unentgeltliche, aber unersetzliche Arbeit!!! Hat euch denn auch mal jemand "nach Hause" geschickt??
Ich hoffe, dass das Problem gelöst werden konnte und dadurch kein riesiges Loch in unser Budget gerissen wurde.
Mittel- oder langfristig werden wir einfach, schon aus solchen Gründen, an einer Neuprogrammierung nicht vorbei kommen.
Wie können wir mehr Geld aufstellen?
Berny club has replied to Leon_Vienna clubLeon_Vienna club has replied to Berny clubDanke, gleichfalls.
Bin eh die Geduld in Person ... manchmal ...
Daniela club has replied to Bergfex clubRrrolf club has replied to Leon_Vienna clubHeidiho club has replied to Leon_Vienna clubI wonder howMister Ruelle is thinking but nevermind
I hope we will have no more complex issues like this
In fact it could lead ipernity to the ideai on how to get more autonomy.
Bon courage !
Heidiho club has replied to Bergfex clubBergfex club has replied to Heidiho clubaNNa schramm club has replied to Bergfex clubI think it's time to broadcast it.
Merci, bon courage et à bientôt !
"Was lange währt, wird endlich gut."
Habe ich gestern gedacht und heute, und morgen denke ich es wieder. ☺
Vielen Dank an das IMA-Team für die unermüdliche Arbeit!
* ઇଓ * club has replied to Rob Stamp clubCheer up, and good luck for all involved in your work.
Old Owl club has replied to Rob Stamp clubIt must be extremely frustrating, but progress is there.
Personally, I have now found a way into accessing at least some of my pages, but I must remember the different routes ... I'm going to check if the minor amendments I made last night and this morning are still there. [they disappeared on the previous attempt, several days ago]
Onwards and Upwards !
Keep Safe Everybody
(especially now that vaccines are coming over the horizon0
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Old Owl clubKalli club has replied to Fred Fouarge clubThank you to all that are involved in finding and implementing the solution!
Thank all for your HARD work.
@ngélique ❤️ club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… clubMany thanks to all who workes to solve the problem!
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