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Publication date  /  2009  /  May   -   3 articles

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  • Day #191: I think, therefore I am responsible.

    - 13 May 2009
    I didn't blog in a while, so I thought I'd publish an older text of mine for your edification and enlightenment. I wrote it in August 2007. Here it is: When I was a child, somebody said to me "I think, therefore I am." I found this ridiculously stupid.

  • Day #197: about "Identity 2.0"

    - 19 May 2009
    Wikipedia has an entry Identity 2.0 that begins with "Identity 2.0, also called digital identity, is the anticipated revolution of identity verification on the internet using emerging user-centric technologies such as Information Cards or OpenID." Ok,

  • Tag #198: Kirchentag in Bremen

    - 20 May 2009
    Heute beginnt in Bremen der 32. Deutsche Evangelische Kirchentag. Er stößt in meinem Bekanntenkreis auf breite Ablehnung. "Lass diese Gottestrottel bitte schnell wieder verschwinden!!!" war eine der deutlich harmloseren Aussagen. Die anderen möchte ich