What is GreaseMonkey ? A Mozilla Firefox extension.
What are GM scripts? Are scripts permitting to modify a webpage appearence and functionality.
What is Ipernity Refer Comment? It is a GM scripts that keeps trace of where you come from. Every time you enter a page with a comment box, the comment box is automagically filled with the HTML code informing of where you came from and with a backlink.
WARNING: I'd like to have a single version, even because this functionality will be perhaps integrated in Ipernity's interface. So, if you want it modified some way (with the name of your group or something similar), please drop me a line. I'm studying the way to make it automatically, but a lot of groups haven't a web alias defined, so they are identified by numbers and I think saying 'Coming from the 24xxx group...' isn't a good service.
EDIT: in version 0.6 I added the group name resolution for groups with over 100 members; this is obtained hardcoding group informations inside the script code and so it is error prone. I searched for all the groups with more than 100 members: quantity doesn't mean quality, but it's impossible to hardcode the names of the over 1000 Ipernity groups. I tried to be precise in including all the bigger groups, but if you find some missing group, let me know and I will include it in the next release.
PLEASE: notify me of every error or request; having only a single version of the script is vital to its evolution
NOTE: I found a little bug. When you come from your home page how seen by other users, there is a parameter and your name comes with "?rev=xx" appended; this will be corrected in version 0.9.
You can download it here: www.consulentionline.org/Ipernity-Add-referer-into-comments.php
List of resolved groups:
- Weekend Walk Wonderz
- Germany
- Macro
- i-Central
- Geometric Abstracts
- Night Shots
- the Absurd
- Bokeh
- Less is More
- Ipernity Groups Directory
- Best of the Week
- B&W
- Black and White
- Crazy Faces
- asymetrix
- Manipulated reality
- Metropolis
- Flowerotica
- me, myself and I
- Strong colors
- Art libre...
- selfportraits
- Architecture
- Portrait
- Travel Photo Forum (added in 0.7)
- Catchy Colours (added in 0.7)
- Landscape (added in 0.7)
- fog, dust, mist... (added in 0.7)
- Graffiti (added in 0.7)
- Animal Photos (added in 0.7)
- Red! (added in 0.7)
- Candid Street Photography (added in 0.7)
- Ipernity meetings (added in 0.7)
- Flowers (added in 0.7)
- Take a look! (added in 0.7)
- Mono images (added in 0.8)
- Sky is creative, I'm not (added in 0.8)
- Time for Experiments (added in 0.8)
- into the woods (added in 0.8)
- Girls - An Ode to Female Beauty (added in 0.8)
- Blue! (added in 0.8)
- Light (added in 0.8)
ADDED in 0.9:
- B&W
- Sony R1
- Tree
- Illusions
- 4 Seasons - Spring
- 4 Seasons - Summer
- Illusions of Nature
- 4 Seasons - Fall
- 4 Seasons - Winter
- Clouds
- Backlighting
- Fruits and Vegetables
- Stone
- Leaves
- The Dark Side
- One pic/One song
- mpph
- professional photographers
- Another view of the world
- chimney-roofs-walls
- urban life
- The Sky is the Limit
- Reflection
- Contemporary Abstracts
- Photographes Super Amateurs
- * most creative *
- Unofficial Ipernity Ideas and Wish
- Red!
- Praise and Curse of the City
- An Ocean of Blue
- Sunrise - Sunset:
Coming from a mailbox (?)
If you don't go to the Administration page, click on the Web alias and set the web alias, i.e. the group address: mygroup.ipernity.com (and the corresponding www.ipernity.com/group/mygroup). If you don't do so, the group is identified only by its serial number.
If you don't do so, the only way I can show the group name in this script is with a terrific table serial/name and you don't want every page having a two minutes load time because ofe the script, don't you? :-))))
Seen in my account recent activity (?)
Coming from a blog (?)
into the woods (105 Mitglieder): www.ipernity.com/group/woods
Girls - An Ode to Female Beaut… 144 Mitglieder: www.ipernity.com/group/girls
Mono Images 155 Mitglieder: www.ipernity.com/group/25280
Zeit für Experimente - 105 Mitglieder: www.ipernity.com/group/experiment
Straßenfotografie - 106 Mitglieder - www.ipernity.com/group/streetphotography
Sky is creative i'm not - 105 Mitglieder: www.ipernity.com/group/sky.creative
Roberto Ballerini -… has replied to ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… clubThe fifth is already in 0.7; the other five will be in 0.8.
Even the Blue! group will be added.
I invite you all to help me keep it updated.
Seen in my account recent activity (?)
Seen in my account recent activity (?)
What do you need for my groups to be supported? The webalias is already set. I have an early version of your script and I added these lines:
case '25589':
case 'sony-r1': risposta = 'the Sony R1 '; break;
case '26222':
case 'tree': risposta = 'the Tree '; break;
case '26294':
case 'illusions': risposta = 'the Illusions '; break;
case '26411':
case 'spring': risposta = 'the 4 Seasons - Spring '; break;
case '26412':
case 'summer': risposta = 'the 4 Seasons - Summer '; break;
case '26295':
case 'illusionsofnature': risposta = 'the Illusions of Nature '; break;
case '26413':
case 'fall': risposta = 'the 4 Seasons - Fall '; break;
case '26414':
case 'winter': risposta = 'the 4 Seasons - Winter '; break;
case '25563':
case 'clouds': risposta = 'the Clouds '; break;
case '25560':
case 'backlighting': risposta = 'the Backlighting '; break;
case '26943':
case 'fruits': risposta = 'the Fruits and Vegetables '; break;
case '28026':
case 'stone': risposta = 'the Stone '; break;
case '25906':
case 'leaves': risposta = 'the Leaves '; break;
Do you still need those?
Yours Arne.
Roberto Ballerini -… has replied to Arne--
Seen in my account recent activity (?)
Arne has replied to Roberto Ballerini -…--
Seen in robertoballerini home page (?)
to write a comment.