Mickey fez's most appreciated articles

  • Giving Gracie a clue to our weather

    - 1 favorite
    Gracie comented on my blog this morning about our every changing weather. Here is a clue of what can happen in a 3 day spell Gracie. Yesterday mornig we had a sea mist limiting my line of sight to the houses opposite. The morning sun won the battle and we had wall to wall sunshine, The temps however had dropped from the 80s of the last two days to 60 (Yep 60) in a cold sea breeze. Overnight we had gale force winds and today I awoke to a dark dismal mornig with pouring rain and it hasn't let…

  • Hello folks

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    I am getting back to normal so.ewhat if anything can be called normal these days The weather of late has been very bad so I am cabined up most days but that will change soon I hope andthen I can get some walks in

  • Freedom was fleeting

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    After two walks yesterday lifted the spirits today was back to normal. This was the scene at 9:34 this morning and it didn't improve much

  • Storm Hector was kind to us

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    Storm Hector has come and gone,the first summer storm was not as bad as feared. The wind and rain lasted a long time,around 12 hours but the winds never got above 65mph. It was still atrong enough to get the Irish Sea in a foul mood and we had flooding in the lower parts of the island but there were no reports of building damage. Hopefully the sun will return soon although we have heavy showers forecast over the weekend. Elsewhere I had a good report from my doctor and he said if I keep my…

  • A special day

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    I knew my great granddaughter Mia had her 3rd birthday on the horizon but wasn't sure when. Today I found out. I was relaxing in thr garden on another lovely hot day wehen Arron and Carl came and snatched me away. We went to Arroons parents Static just up the road at Marsh lane caravan site.Today was the party for little Mia and it was lots of fun,Mia splashed about with some pals in a paddling pool and I saw a few of Gemma's old school chums she keeps in touch with.Beer flowed,the sun beat dow…

  • A belated Happy New Year folk

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    I have been busy with family visits over the holidays with trips to see Gemma,Arron and Mia of course, then Stephen was next on the list finishing on New Years Day when I was host. We drank a lot,laughted a lot and ate rubbishy but very tasty snacks. I had an idea in the afternoon,oh yes I get them now and again. I Skyped Jenny as I knew she would not have visitors at that time of day. She was delighted to see us all together and of course Mia was the highlight. Now things are getting back…

  • A wild and wooly trip

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    Yesterday before the latest storm hit I made a break for freedom/. It turned out to be windy and wet,still it was worfth it and I feel better in myself fr making the effort. At tjhe bottom of the hill I noticed a lot of water on the large green so by Friday this will be a real mess. On the other side of the road the salt water marsh had a lot of water a couple of hours before high tide so that will have overtopped the bank and flooded the road to the beach As I bridged the br…

  • Grass Strimming and a new Addition

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    A slightly warmer day today saw me tackle the right hand side of the back garden,it was long overdue and hard but enjoyable work. That finished I was settled down to a coffee and ginger snaps when Gemma,Arron and Mia appeared. They brought news of the expected baby a little boy is on the way. So all in all it was a very good day

  • St Patricks day and the cats

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    So what is the connection? Well is was on this day 8 year ago my daughter Ellen came back home bringing with her two bundles of fun. They were young cats she found cold and very wet in a nearby street. They made themselves at home here of course I have become their servant.

  • A dry trip to seem mother,just

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    I managed a dry walk to mother's before the promised deluge. I spotted the resident family of Cormorants fishing in the reservoir. they are stood a little man made pile of rocks. Mother was in good fettkle and we spent a greacouple of hours before I headed home for a nice lunch

  • Jenny update

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    Ok this is what I know Jenny had trouble breathing the night before last,Yesterday morning she rang 111 who told her to cantact her doctor then a trip to the hospital was organised. Her oxygen levels were brought back o normal and a chest x ray done. She had a good night and is feeling better She hopes to be home later

  • mother panics, rings me,I answer the call

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    I had a phone call from my old Ma this morning,a leaky WC cistern causing panic. I collected some tools and a selection of ruber seals and headed off. It was fixed in a couple of minutes,panic over. I stayed a while before wandwring homeward. I walked past he resevoir hoping to see some birds but they were all over the other side bar one. This beautiful swan came to say hello but alas I had nothing for him but a few kind words

  • So far so slow

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    The hope for a good year has not taken off yet. Although my body is in better shape the continuing lousy wet misty weather is keeping me grounded. I had my yearly check up at the doctors on Thursday and the nurse was pleased with blood pressure,lung power and weight. I have to await the blood results but as they have always been good I am not worried about that. Today I have been grounded by sleet but as it's weekend I have plenty of sport to watch. maybe tomorrow will be better.

  • A new beginning on the shopping front

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    Today was the first run with the shopping trolley and it was a resounding success. In B&M and Herons I just parked the trolley behind the tills while I shopped and it was a simple job to load up,much quicker and easier than bags. I bought a sturdy trolley with big wheels so kerbs were no problem and unloading was just as easy. So all in all a good buy not least because it was a pain free shop and that is worth any amount of money

  • Latest fom Jenny

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    today Jenny has undergone blood tests etc and much to her delight a new course of "pee" pills and stool softeners tomorrow she has a blood transfusion and a CT scan She is going through a lot but keeping her sense of humour up. Better news on the medical front for me I got my covid 29 jab today

  • A morning stroll

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    I was out early this morning down to the little woods and the gorse field.I only saw one man walking a dog going up there and a cyclist as I headed home .I walked to edge of the gorse firld to see what was going on on the beach. The answer was nothing,not a soul in sight looking up and down. The tide was covering the sand so I guess the dog walkers will appear later. Back home it was into t shirt and shorts and a lazy day in the garden. photos here

  • Somebody stole the sun and left rain

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    After a nice dry spell allowed me to catch up on the garden and get in a couple of walks yesterday was all change with slate grey skies and showers with temps dropping from20-22c to 12-13c a real bummer. We were forecast a bright start today before the wind srtrengthened and the rain returned but when I arose the rain was already here and has been on and off all day with temps droppping another degree or two The forecast for the rest of the week is no better but it is no good blaming Mother Na…

  • Back trouble sorted and pruning began

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    After back trouble a few days ago plenty of lotion and massaging got me up and about and taking a couple of walks The weather has been mainly dry and today we had a little sunshine so I decide the time to start the pruning was here. As always I try to do with all big jobs. I started on the hardest part which in this case was the runaway Buddleia,It's my fault it went silly because I failed to cut it back last year because of all the rain. As the beast now stood at over 7ft tall this needed do…

  • Report from Jenny

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    Yesterday Jenny had an Electro cardiogram and tomorrow is a CT scan after that at rhe moment she is not sure,home she hopes

  • That went well

    - 1 favorite
    After early morning rain and the threat of more on the way to see Mother but the clouds gradually broke up to leave a bright but cold day. The visit was good and although not in the garden as last week there were plenty of laughs to go round. On my way home I called at Wilkos and bought some Petunia and Deep red Geranium bedding plants to go with Marigolds I already have. There are still two small planters to fill so I may check the Co-op and see what they have. The switch to Tuesday visitin…

331 articles in total