Articles by Mickey fez


  • Whatever happened to snuff?

    - 24 Aug 2012
    What ever happened to snuff? I remember as a child my paternal grandmother always seemed to have a finger and thumb stuck up her nose sniffing away. She used to babysit for me and my sister Pat on the rare occasions our parents went out together.We used to live in the tenements then,no electricity or hot water with one coal fire as our only heating.It was a big old range with a built in bread oven and my old girl used to black lead it until it shone. Nana would arrive with a half bottle of che…

  • A quiet day,the moon,a spider and another text off you know who

    - 23 Aug 2012
    The hob didn't arrive today but the dates was between 3 and 5 days so no problem.I took that option because it was free,I could have paid £12 to get it yesterday but there is no big panic. This meant I had a quiet day just pottering. I had another text from Jenny the temps in Turkey today reach 106f, that's pretty hot. They are having fun,a break her and Mandi both needed. ( Mandi is Jenny's daughter for newbies) Lastly I noticed a crescent moon as night fell here so I took a snap of it and I…

  • the smarties stood up

    - 23 Aug 2012 - 2 comments
    I had 24 smarties who stood up and read my blog asking for info but none was forthcoming with anything new. In fact only 6 of you knew how to type which gives me doubts about just how smart the rest were,or maybe they are super smart and saying smugly to themselves " Ha I know something he hasn't found yet" Apart from that things are quiet here today, I can't go strolling because the new hob should arrive today or tomorrow. I have to go and pick my meds up but I'll leave that until about 5, if…

  • Ok Stand up smartie pants people

    - 22 Aug 2012
    Right who has found something on here that I haven't yet? I know the basic page set up and how to see what my contacts have pasted in blogs,photos,albums etc through clicking network I know who has posted on my page through clicking activity I know that posting photos videos etc is easier if you download the ipernity up-loader I know how to embed,after a little hiccup I know that chat is a waste of space, it would be quicker to post a letter second class Now what do you know that I have mi…

  • the lake district

    - 22 Aug 2012
    I took this video last year on a trip to the Lakes with Miggles. Click watch in You tube to see full screen

  • Breakfast time

    - 22 Aug 2012 This is breakfast time in the garden click link above and turn sound on full

  • Sea Jade

    - 21 Aug 2012
    Max has asked about the Sea Jade following on from viewing the old girls wreck in my latest album so here is the tale for newbies, old Multiply friends have seen her photos before and read of her sad slide to oblivion She sailed up the channel maybe four year ago now all ready to be refitted and repaired. Alas something went wrong somewhere along the way,lack of funds I suspect it was a massive undertaking and slowly she fell apart.I posted photos on my Flickr site of the end of her life, you…

  • The day gets slightly better

    - 21 Aug 2012 - 1 comment
    If you read my earlier blog you will know my day didn't start on a good note. Since then things have changed. The good news is the last of my medical checks were good and the Doc is pleased although he still wants me to lose 10lb to keep my BMI spot on. Normally this would be no problem but this year my long hikes have been badly curtailed by the weather. With this in mind and the morning being dry I decided on a walk through the little wild area,down to the channel and along the channel shore l…

  • Oh dear a bad start to the day

    - 21 Aug 2012
    Today isn't going well and that's not even counting the rain. One of the rings on my hob is not working.This is a two ringed hob so I cannot afford for it to be out of action so I am have to take it apart to see if I can fix the problem. Spares should be easy to come by but depending what I find this might be the time to upgrade to a four ring hob. I will have to build a base for it but that has been the intention since I redone my kitchen last year. I was going to spend the day visiting but t…

  • A text from Jenny and a visit from Ellen with lunch thrown in

    - 20 Aug 2012 - 1 comment
    I had a text message from Jenny they are having a grand time and to my surprise she told me it is hot there. That's amazing for Turkey in August don't you think? No me neither I think she has been too long in the sun or supping a lot of the falling down water. I had another text this morning from my daughter Ellen wanting to know if I had eggs which I have of course,she appeared an hour or so later with bacon sausage and tomatoes. Not only did she bring the stuff she cooked our lunch,pretty…

  • Things move quickly on the internet

    - 20 Aug 2012
    When I started my internet adventure a mere 4 years ago I joined 360. The only reason was I got it free with BT. I stumbled about for a couple of days worse than usless in this new world until I was rescued by Sweetie my first internet contact. From those very early days then on to Multiply and now here only Pearl from the original 6 has stayed the course and she is busy at the moment. Shortly afterwards came Jenny who has also managed to put up with me. Other than that there are only two 360ers…

  • A nice stroll,Lakeland fells,rabbits,green stuff,ships and boats

    - 19 Aug 2012 - 3 comments
    I managed to get 5 miles in this morning before the rain started again. I walked over to get some pipe fodder,going through the little haven and coming back via the dockside. I snapped a couple of rabbits amongst the greenery in the haven before carrying on to Morrison's to pick some pipe fodder up. From there it is a short stroll through their car park to the dockside so I took some shots of the ships waiting to load before climbing the steps to the bridge where I spotted a sailing dingy way d…

  • About that pastry

    - 19 Aug 2012
    I never cooked until I left home and spent a short time in bed sit land sharing digs with a giant Geordie contractor. Even then it hardly passed for cooking, everything that fitted into a frying pan was our fare. The rest was take aways a new thing in our neck of the woods in the early 60s I never even cooked when I was wed until after the kids left home.I had long had a day job by then and after seeing a programme about Chinese cooking I bought myself a wok and was soon turning out suppers for…

  • But can he make good pastry?

    - 18 Aug 2012
    Funny the things that pop into your head waiting for dinner to finish cooking. I just heard Barry Manilow on the radio. We have only one thing in common we were born on the same day,other than that our lives have been completely different of course. He is an entertainer known throughout the world,I live on a little island unknown to most people even on the mainland in town I grew up to fix farm machinery laying on farmers fields on cold January mornings with my breath freezing as I exhaled an…

  • The Footie's back and lamb casserole for dinner

    - 18 Aug 2012 - 1 comment
    The footie starts again this weekend and both of my teams are in action. My number two team Celtic kick off this lunch time and are on the goggle box. My number one team Liverpool start tomorrow. Celtic should have an easy run to the title but you never can tell. Liverpool have a much more difficult season ahead. After years in the doldrums each new season brings fresh hope, maybe just maybe a top four place this year. With the footie being on the box I have my meals for the day sorted,a col…

  • This is me

    - 17 Aug 2012
    Time for bed here on this stormy night,the rain is hammering on the window wanting to be let in. This is to give my new pals a little snapshot of me. I am 66 years old,a widower of 12 years since spending 34 blissful years with Margaret before she lost the battle with cancer. I have two wonderful children and two equally wonderful grandchildren. I live on a little island clinging to the north west coast of England on the north end of Morcambe Bay and 30 minutes away from the beautiful Lake Di…

  • Weather alert upgraded to amber

    - 17 Aug 2012
    There was a yellow rain and flood alert for this area earlier today updated to amber. Yellow means be aware Amber means be prepared. We haven't never had a red I don't think I guess that means run for the hills. The latest satellite photos show the worse of it south of the bay which suits us fine we have had more than our fair share of wet stuff this year. My garden isn't flooded yet but with the rain forecast to last overnight and a strong south westerly due we may get some heavy stuff befo…

  • Raining again BMI coming down, and body piercing

    - 17 Aug 2012
    The rain is sweeping through in heavy showers,just my luck with a trip to the doctors this morning. I manged to get there dry and my results were good. Blood pressure and cholesterol is fair but my BMI is still on the high side but improving. it is at 26 and should be under 25 still it's down from 28 six months ago. I need to lose 10lb but the weather has been so bad this year I have hardly been walking,still an Indian summer will see me to my target. I watched a programme on the Tower of Londo…

1525 articles in total